So I know this is almost two months too late, but election night, a few friends and I came up with a list of reasons why Obama was taking so long to arrive and give his acceptance speech. Considering that I still can't remember what my awesome blog post is supposed to be about, I thought I'd use this as a filler. It's pretty hilarious, so you should still enjoy it :D
Why Obama Was Late to His Speech (compiled by Emma, Zack, and Andrew)
-He wanted a Big Mac
-He was kidnapped by libertarians
-Secret service had to pee
-Victory sex
-Flat tire
-Fell asleep
-Kids didn't finish their supper
-Escorted by entire White Sox team
-Refused to ask for directions
-Escorted by entire Blackhawks team (because they had nothing better to do since the lockout)
-Someone tied his shoes together
-Couldn't find his wallet
-Was stuck in a tie playing Rock Paper Scissors with Biden
-Got mustard on his suit jacket, had to go back and change
-Complaining about receding hair line
-Was ordering a bigger American flag pin
-Was working on a high score on Angry Birds
-"Getting his hair did"
-Finding a tie that was blue, but not too blue
-Had to wait for the song "I'm blue" to finish playing in the limo before he exited
-Apple Maps got him lost
-Had to finish the Election Day drinking game
-Couldn't get off the phone with a relative
And last but certainly not least:
-Checked the mirror too many times while saying "Looking good, Mr. President"