Everything I want to say without the social restrictions society would put on me to say it.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Did You Know
...passive aggressive much? Just the way I like it.
I'm back, baby :)
Did You Know
Type B
The theory describes Type B individuals as a contrast to those with Type A personalities. People with Type B personality by definition generally live at a lower stress level and typically work steadily, enjoying achievement but not becoming stressed when they are not achieved. When faced with competition, they do not mind losing and either enjoy the game or back down. They may be creative and enjoy exploring ideas and concepts. They are often reflective, thinking about the outer and inner worlds.
Now we took personality tests in my Wellness class, and it said I was like 75% Type B. Most people are a mix of sorts because we all have out individual stressors that bring out the Type A in us. Another thing we learned about personalities is dealing with stress. Type A personalities will have their stressors "jump out" at them, and it won't go away until it's resolved. Type B personalities won't see stressors until they are blocking their current goal or interest. For example, a Type A will be a clean freak and one thing out of place will be glaringly obvious. A Type B will not even acknowledge a mess until they don't have a path to their chair or they step on and break something.
Although these are just theories, it's something with with I identify strongly. Probably because I can see the Type A and B in those constantly around me, and it's an obvious explanation to me as to why people put importance in certain things. I'm sure there are those who would put as much validity in this as they do zodiac, but I see nothing wrong with leading a Type B life. What I label important is no less valid than what someone else labels important.
Now to try and convince the Type A's that...