Thursday, November 14, 2013

Plus ou Moins

So this past month with both teaching 40+ hours and working 20+ hours a week, I have noticed some interesting things about my body, both good and bad. 

On the negative side, I have noticed that my body no longer recognizes different levels of fatigue. Either I'm tired or I'm not. You'd think this would be a good thing...except for if I get 7 hours of sleep, I'm just as tired as if I had only gotten 3 hours of sleep. Man that's four hours I could have been grading or lesson planning or working for money...but no, I had to sleep for apparently no reason since my body can't tell the difference. 

However on the positive side, I no longer have to take sleeping pills to get to sleep. As it is, the last time I did take sleeping pills it actually took me longer to get to sleep than naturally sleeping. Can't say I'm complaining about that!

When we evaluated my workload, we were sure that my immune system was going to crash. As it is, I'm extremely lucky that it hasn't. For the past week or so, I have been on the verge of getting sick. My nose hasn't been affected, but I've been achy, headache, sneezing, sore throat, etc. well, whenever this has occurred, I have taken a multi-vitamin and some ibuprofen, and gone to sleep. And when I've woken up, although tired, I don't feel sick. Now granted, this is obviously a temporary fix since this is almost every night where I'm taking the pills to avoid sickness the next day. But hey! If it's working, I'm going with it!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Stream of Consciousness P.2

If someone wanted to ruin my life forever, all they would have to do is render my nose useless. I'd go insane breathing only through my mouth. 

I wish it were socially acceptable to hang out with some of my students on a friends basis. 

The most annoying things you can do: leave the hallway light on or leave the exhaust fan in the bathroom on. I'll get angry 0-60 in .2 seconds. 

I'm pretty sure that the more I think about how I can't get to sleep, the less likely I am to sleep. 

I'll barely post on social media for a while, and then all of a sudden make a bajillion posts. Overcompensating?

There are still common English words that I don't know how to pronounce. Bravado, bossum, canapes, definitively, nasalization, accompanist, and photographer to name a few. 

I already know I'm going to get judged for my above list. Don't get me wrong: I know what each word means, and once I spend time thinking about each word I can say them out loud. But if I'm reading blank in a sentence without reading ahead I'm guaranteed to mispronounce them. 

There are times where I don't know if my students are laughing at me or with me. 

I'm not afraid of what my friends think about me dating Chris again. But I might be a little anxious to hear what they say of we get engaged...

Never in my life have I craved wine this much. 

Teaching is hard work. The physical amount of effort I put into teaching six classes worth of students is exhausting. Worth it, but exhausting. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Don't Go To Bed Angry

Wen I was younger my sister and I used to fight all the time. It was typical sister fights...nothing too bad or worse than anything else. My dad always said "don't go to bed angry". My mother was a little bit more morbid, cornering us when we were silently pushing each other out of the way to see the mirror while we were brushing our teeth, and she'd say "you wake up tomorrow after having fought the night before and find your sister dead. How do you feel now?" Both parents found ways to get us to resolve our issues before they got more out of hand. It's definitely a good lesson to have in my back pocket whenever I need it, be it with my current family or the one I start in the future. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Oh How the Times Change

13-year-old me would be so proud. 

I used to say I don't wear make-up because I don't like the time it takes and I'd rather do something else (namely, sleeping, eating breakfast, doing homework, etc) and that whole "a guy who only likes me because I do my make-up isn't a guy I'm interested in, blah blah blah, all those anicdotes to make me sound better for NOT participating in something. 

Well once I started teaching, I realized that it definitely looks more professional when I do my make-up...otherwise it truly looks like I just rolled out of bed (although that's typically true too) :P

I just realized that I have my make-up perfected in less than five minutes. I honestly didn't think that would ever happen. 
