Friday, March 21, 2014

Cocky Renaissance Woman

I'm just going to put this out there, say my piece, and be on my way. 

I'm tired or people questioning my intellect, my reason, my logic, and my opinions. Perhaps that's not the best way to phrase it because I don't discourage questioning. I just feel like some people are expecting me to apologize for knowing things. 

"You're a French teacher. Why do you think you understand how (insert irrelevant past time here) works?"

"Why are you right about this? Why are you right and I'm wrong? Why can't I be right?"

"You think you're right about this that and the other, how can you possibly expect us to believe you're right about this too?"

It's just like, seriously? How ignorant are you?

I feel the need to tell people correct things because I'm afraid either they will 1) create a strong belief that wrong is right, or 2) become content with ignorance. 

Because here's my thing: I know I'm right because I don't talk out of my ass. When I say something chances are I have things backing up my word, be it sources, experience, or the ability to think critically and hypothesize correctly. None of these are hard concepts, and yet it becomes a negative thing for me to possess them, only because people are becoming put out by my inability to let ignorance slide. 

...And this is why I know I'd be an Erudite...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Adult Magic Pills

This is how I see being a grown up a lot of the time. It's not something you learn, it's something that just happens once you wait long enough. 

This is a French tweet I constructed earlier tonight. I've just now realize that my acquisition of the French language is similar to my quest at being an adult. I apologize for those who don't speak French, but there are aome complicated grammatical structures in that sentence, some that were never full out taught to me. They've just sort of...started to make sense in my mind and my understanding with how to use them (even though I haven't taken a French class that taught grammar in four years). 

I mean, I know language acquisition theory so I understand why my brain can do this, but at the same time, I have no idea when it happened or how. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Just found out that one of my blog posts has over 500 hits! Only one of them though. I have another that is just over 100 and then only a handful that make it past 50. I can't believe that one post has so many hits!

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb

Happy March!

For those that come here hoping for some controversial awesomely written piece of is not your day. This is a post I feel like writing because I want to write and have nothing specific to write about yet I feel like writing so gosh darn it I'm going to write!

For those of you who just read because you're bored WELCOME!

I've had some things on my mind recently that I just want to air out:

I have come to realize that there is a teetering line in a relationship...and it never goes away. See, you're supposed to go into a relationship liking/loving the other as they are (i.e.: not going in trying to change them). However, as someone IN a relationship you want to be the best you can be, even if that means changing a few habits. The example that comes to mind is you want to be with someone that will still love you if you have a beer gut, but you should still be taking care of yourself so that you don't GET one, or if you haveone you should still try and get rid of it, not because they won't love you otherwise but because it's the good thing to do.

That ones probably more vain than most of the ones that I actually find applicable to myself and my own relationship, but I can't help but feel like some people don't get this concept. Like, they're completely lazy in a relationship and if the other suggests something then they're automatically trying to change them and oh no that's bad...when in reality it's probably healthy and for the person's own good. And then there's the flip side where accepting someone's flaws almost seems to justify the action, so it becomes reinforced rather than pinpointed as something wrong...

...these are not direct reflections on my own relationship, just something generally speaking I feel I notice around me. There just needs to be a rule like "I will accept your flaw as long as you recognize that it's a flaw and you will work towards making it right" or whatever. But at the same time, how accepting does that sound? Hence the teetering line lol

I read a three book series last week. I finished the first two books within two days (each book is about 525 pages). The third took me a little longer for a couple of reasons. First, it had switching narrator perspectives for each chapter where the first two did not. After reading the ending, that type of narration was necessary in the third book, however it takes longer for me to reacclimatize myself to the scenarios when switching narrators. I'm the type of reader that gets completely engulfed in a story that I feel like Harry Potter when Tom Riddle is showing him his memories. When switching narrators you can't stay engulfed because you're no longer just following one person. Also, I visited my family in the midst of reading this book. Six hours of driving plus family time did not make for getting a lot of reading done, which I'm more than ok with because I love spending time with my family.

Anyway, finished the entire series in five days, and it was absolutely phenomenal. I can say that now, because I've had closure with the ending of the series. However when I first finished the books I WAS SO MAD AT HOW IT ENDED. The best way I can describe it is: You know when you're completely absorbed in a book/series and you want the chapters to keep coming even though there won't be? About five chapters from the end I wanted it to just stop. I couldn't actually stop because I was too invested at that point, but each turning page was like salt in the wounds kill me now pure torture. In hindsight it was beautiful, probably the best ending character development wise, but sucked haha.

I don't regret reading the series, though. Anyone who can create worlds and universes and make you feel that close to fictional characters that you are literally conjuring in your head...has all my respect and then some. Wow

The Divergent Series by Veronica Roth. Thought maybe I should tell you what series I was reading so you could have your mind blown too :P

My roommate and I like to say we have adult achievements, kind of like the xbox achievements you can get in games. We've documented a few, like first time using the crock pot, first mail addressed to us in our own mailbox, first rent bill paid, buying an actual couch rather than just a temporary cheap futon, building things, fixing things, cleaning things, the list goes on.

Well yesterday I added another achievement to the list: Hosted first dinner party!

Now some back story: Eric and I have known each other for five years now. Which actually sounds like a lot of time and now makes me feel really old because we met our freshman year of college. We only had a semester to get to know each other, though, because he left Ball State after his first semester. I was heartbroken and definitely missed him, and thankfully we never completely lost contact.

See, we have one of those magical friendships where you can not talk for MONTHS and when you do end up talking's like no time has passed. For instance, we have been talking semi-regularly for the past couple weeks...before that it had been about a month...but before that it had been probably around 8 months since we last talked. Not to mention it's been almost a year and a half since I had seen him, and even longer between that visit and the previous one! But it didn't matter, each conversation and each visit just started where the previous one left off.

So he and his girlfriend were looking for apartments in Indy (they're originally from up north) and when he mentioned this to me, I begged him to come over so I could see them both. We finalized some plans, and decided they would come over and I'd cook something for them. Inviting Chris for good measure, it turned into a lovely double date couples night in! I made chicken alfredo with bruchetta and pain grillé, they brought two bottles of wine, we played board games afterwards, and we talked and we laughed, and everyone got along and it was wonderful. Simply marvelous.

I'm actually in the best mood today that I've been in for a while. I really can't pin point anything specifically that caused it, because I still have a cold and I didn't get that much sleep last night and I won't get a lot of sleep tonight because I'm working and I know the schedule is going to suck today, but I'm just in a great mood. I love it :)