You know, the honeymoon might be over, but sometimes my boyfriend is literally the best.
We've always texted each other at the start of our days good morning, love you, have a good day today. Some days it happens later than others due to school craziness or running late to work, but it still always happens. And it's not just one person always texting first or unequal in that way.
Today I got out of class and to lunch at 11:15. My morning had been absolutely crazy with prepping my French kids with a test and realizing that all my EL students have a science test tomorrow even though they have two different science teachers. And my prep was taken by a new student who needed an ELP test...basically it was absolutely crazy.
So I sit down and look at my phone and realize I have no messages. Obviously I'm not the only one who's having a busy morning, so I send this text off:
"Blah. It's been beyond crazy today. Sorry I didn't text earlier. Have a good day!"
Less than 10 seconds later my phone pings. Usually that means that it won't send in iMessage, but as it turns out, my boyfriend sent me a text almost exactly at the same time:
"Hey beautiful. Hope you're having a good day" with three heart emojis.
SA-WOON! I responded "Great minds think alike" and he responded "clearly we were thinking of each other" and it was just probably the smallest yet most adorable thing I have ever taken part in a relationship before.
So I just had to tell someone :)