7th Grade: Cried on my birthday because I had a party that weekend and so no one wished me happy birthday *on* my birthday. Also got no cards from relatives
8th Grade: Went to another friend's birthday party on my birthday, for her birthday, because her birthday was the next day.
9th Grade: Had a party with a friend-at-the-time who has the same birthday as me with many mutual friends. Pretty divided between who was friends with who.
10th Grade: Fought with same FATT who has the same birthday as me because she would say "her 16th birthday" instead of "our 16th birthday" to all of our mutual friends.
11th Grade: No longer friends with FATT. Had show choir practice on that day, her mother brought in cupcakes for the choir. Everyone sang happy birthday to HER, not me.
12th Grade: Boyfriend-at-the-time did not call me. Still not friends with FATT, FATT still trying to get all of our friends to recognize her birthday and not mine...was sung to that year though.
...I had bad luck with birthdays. Or I guess I was just too pessimistic to enjoy my birthdays. I went into my freshman year of college absolutely dreading my birthday. Tears were shed; I just was not looking forward to the day. I had broken up with a boyfriend just a week or so earlier...it was not a good time.
I was blessed. I had some stellar friends who went out of their way to make sure that I had a great birthday. The Residence Hall Association sang Happy Birthday to me, my friends completely supported me and did everything they could to give me an awesome day. And then I went to have a great weekend at home with friends and family. Epic Win.
Of course, I wasn't sure if that feeling could be topped going into my 20th birthday just a couple days ago. I knew it wasn't going to be terrible though, because I had the same amazing friends, completely supportive family, and this time a wonderful boyfriend determined to make it my best birthday yet.
Well...they succeeded. The day started with me waking up to my boyfriend saying "My baby is 20 years old!" along with some more romantic acts =). Then I went to class and my roommate jumped me in a HUGE hug screaming "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" in the middle of a crowded hallway. Then I went to Emens auditorium where the boyfriend bought us tickets to see a percussionist on Saturday. Then went to Noyer and got two pieces of cheesecake for later that night--Lemon Drop and Very Cherry...! Then I got ready for the boyfriend to take me out. When he got here he gave me flowers, a little stuffed blue bunny, a gummy blue bunny on a stick, and a bracelet with a black cord and blue beads in it. Really sweet of him! Then we went to Greeks Pizza, which is where he took me for Valentine's Day, and it was AMAZING! Then we came back to Stu and played EPIC POUNCE with friends...it was amazing fun! The whole night was...it was just an AMAZING birthday!
But it wasn't over yet! The boyfriend decided that it was my birthday weekend, not just the day. =) So I got to sleep in until 2:30 pm...because I could! Then we went to lunch and on a walk (The weather was FANTASTIC!) and then to the percussionist! Then I made him dinner...it was definitely interesting lol.
And Sunday was great, too! The parents came up, gave me some family presents, and took me and my friends bowling...it was epic. We played two games and enjoyed every minute of it! Then the family and the boyfriend and I went to Olive Garden for a nice lunch/dinner and then after they left Zackk and I decided that a nap was deserved =P
It was an amazing weekend. All of my insecurities of having a bad birthday have been completely vanished. All I can think about is how happy I have been these past few weeks. I'm looking at the past and smiling...looking at the present and smiling...and looking at the future and smiling.
Love is what brings us together today <3