Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This is LEGIT!!!

I am in love with this mindset...and I found a blog that basically describes it!


Go check it out! Some may be repulsed...others just purely amused. Me? I'm inspired!

Something blunt about me? I'm basically an anti-feminist. Or sexist in favor of men. Basically, I don't believe women should have the same rights or held to the same standards as men. A lot of people think I'm not considering the extremes, but on the contrary,

I don't think women should serve in the military
I don't think women should be in high political positions
I don't think women should be head of big powerful companies

I think that a woman belongs alongside a man--her husband.

I AM NOT KIDDING. Like seriously, these are values that I truly hold. I feel that a woman has a right to get the education that she desires and she can get a job with that education if that is what she wants. But I feel that a woman is best utilized as a house-wife. At home. Taking care of the house and kids while the husband and father is at work making money to support the family.

Now, I know what you're thinking. This is barely feasible in this day and age. The cost of living has gone up since the 1950s and the idea of women staying at home has become less and less appealing to most. We have made such a big deal about womens' rights this past century that they feel insulted when they're not included in something. Yet they were perfectly fine with it before all the fuss and hubub. Is this evolution, or is this just crazy ideas being put into others' minds?

Me? I'm in college, working on a teaching degree. But honestly, I just want to teach for as long as I have to. I'm fine with teaching to help build up savings for my family, but once I have kids I don't want to teach anymore. I want to be the one to raise my kids. I don't want some business, daycare, or stranger raising my kids for me. As a mother, that's my job. Not to work outside the house. No.

I don't get it why some people don't see this.

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