Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Let's Be Blunt about YOU

So here's my deal:

I was once friends with a girl. She and I had a lot in common, so we got to know each other and sure enough became friends. Really good friends, actually. The type of friends who spend basically 85% of waking free time together, the type of friends who stay up late on numerous nights just talking, getting to know each others secrets, fears, loves, and delights. We went to each others houses, we got close to the family, and everything was how it should be in a wonderful friendship.

But then there's this guy...

and all of a sudden our relationship starts changing. Which is natural, I'm not discrediting that, but then you start to be a little less likable to be around. Then, you stop being around all together, and it makes me reflect on this friendship we had established. THEN you have the audacity to say that I'm jealous of your boyfriend. In some world where YOU change the habits and relationship, I become the bad guy. BRILLIANT LOGIC!

But WAIT! This is entirely subjective! Obviously I've had to have done something to cause all this, it can't be one sided!

Well, no, it's not just one sided. I've heard the other side, the descriptions and the reasons...and yet it some how ends back up to you saying "I haven't changed" and "You brought this on". If you ask me that doesn't sound like much of a supporting argument.

ESPECIALLY when your other "friends" feel EXACTLY the same way that I do. I mean, it *could* be a conspiracy against you...

...but probably not.

Now...I'm writing this to you. Because I want YOU to take a look this. I want YOU to realize how much this sounds like YOU.

Except for this is about a friend from middle school, and I didn't meet you until much later. Although I shouldn't say friend, because I don't talk to her anymore and quite frankly find her to be a bitch.

But now let's talk about you: Let me tell you specifically (again) why I am comparing you to this girl that I cannot stand.

-I hate your boyfriend: Frankly I don't understand why you're with him. Do you honestly think so little of yourself that even though he cheated on you (while you were having sex with him, and HE didn't even have the decency to tell you) you can't survive without him? I mean, do you READ what you WROTE when you found out? You wanted to freaking CUT YOUR WRISTS because you were so PISSED and HEARTBROKEN...but he's apparently worth that pain? FUCK NO.

-I hate how much you lie: You've lied to me, you've lied to other best friends, and you're lying to yourself. Although this is my favorite trait of yours, because I know when you lie, and when I catch you in it, it all of a sudden turns into me manipulating you...instead of you lying to me. A little defensive, are we? Well I have a solution for you: STOP LYING! Take responsibility for your actions and if you don't want to then DON'T DO THEM! Don't say that your Fuck Buddy stopped drinking for you when in reality you just accepted it and started drinking with him. Don't say that you're going to hang out with us if you can't even keep a pre-arranged once-a-week dinner. Don't say that you can't be with someone who broke your heart for cheating on you when YOU'RE WITH HIM RIGHT NOW.

-I hate how you're treating your supposed best friends: saying that "we'll always be here for you" is the STUPIDEST excuse I have ever heard to blow off friends, ignore them, and completely disrespect them. You saying that it's "stressing you out" because you feel it necessary to "include them in your life" really makes me want to punch you. What in the world have I done to you to make you want to treat me like such shit? I didn't realize that I had to bend over backwards in order to be friends with you. I didn't realize that not only have to answer all your questions but also resolve all issues apologize for everything. GET OFF YOUR PEDESTAL. I don't care if you have 1000 other friends, don't treat me like shit because I sure as hell don't deserve that. Because when you do, this is what you get in return: a bombshell of everything that I've been holding back.

-I hate how disrespectful you've become: For someone who inspired me to quit swearing as a New Years Resolution, you sure have become quite the potty mouth. I'm not saying swearing is wrong, I have a tendency to use it myself from time to time, but there is a TIME and PLACE for EVERYTHING. I cannot believe that not only do you openly swear in front of a supposed best friend who you know HATES hearing those words, but you went into a friend's parent's house as a GUEST and openly swore! And if that's not enough, you decide that you're going to drink in front of friends who openly dislike drinking, and then get mad at them when they say something. You don't own the place and the world does not revolve around you--GET OVER YOURSELF!

-I hate how righteous you make yourself: NEWSFLASH! You are NOT entitled to ANYTHING! You need to get a grip on reality and learn that life does not happen at your leisure. You cannot walk into an interview in sweats and expect to get the job. You cannot take a job as a notetaker and claim hours for pay when you're not taking notes. You cannot quit at everything that you don't like, and you can't expect to take the easy road and get everything you want. I know your parents raised you better, what happened to her?

Gosh the list could go on and on, and I'm sure at some point I'll have it do just that. However, I'm at the point where I don't think I can type anything else without just getting incredibly too PISSED at this entire thing, so let me just cut to the chase:

Be who you want, do what you want, convince yourself of whatever you need to in order to sleep at night. I DON'T CARE. I haven't told you that I'm on the waiting list for a single, but I am. SURPRISE! I'm moving out and if I don't see or hear from you in a while, I will be completely fine with that. I've seen this before, and I've dealt with it before; I'm not going to deal with it from you.

So thanks, but no thank; I politely decline your invitation to be your friend. I'm sure you have countless other qualified applicants who would jump for joy at the opportunity. And they probably "accept you for who you are" since apparently I won't. Now don't get me wrong, I know I'm not perfect and I make mistakes and you could probably create a list just as I have. Don't think that I think by my doing this I think I'm better than you because that's not the case. I've just decided to take matters into my own hands and not surround myself with people I don't like being around. And then tell you how I feel because I want this last bit of closure before I seal the opening. The blog is called "Let's Be Blunt" for a reason...

Life is about choices. You've made yours, and I've made mine. Have a nice life.

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