Tuesday, March 20, 2012


So we're talking about translations in my foreign language education class and my professor talked about someone talking for five minutes and the listener derive "oh, he's talking about how cold it is". Five minutes of speaking translated into a simple phrase.

Jacob sprang lightly to his feet, his agility at odds with his sheer mass, and trotted over to where Edward and I stood on the fringe of things.

“Jacob,” Edward greeted him politely.

Jacob ignored him, his dark eyes on me. He put his head down to my level, as he had yesterday, cocking it to one side. A low whimper escaped his muzzle.

“I’m fine,” I answered, not needing the translation that Edward was about to give. “Just worried, you know.”

Jacob continued to stare at me.

“He wants to know why,” Edward murmured.

Jacob growled — not a threatening sound, an annoyed sound — and Edward’s lips twitched.

“What?” I asked.

“He thinks my translations leave something to be desired. What he actually thought was, ‘That’s really stupid. What is there to be worried about?’ I edited, because I thought it was rude.”

...not that I'd bring that example up in my class considering that it's full of 30 other 20-23 year olds who would probably make fun of me for such an allusion, considering I've already blushed profusely because of being pointed out for knowing what a "devil strip" is and that I was on the new course request system.

So I think I'm good =P

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