What I'm trying to get across is that there is very little linking each and every one of educators together, besides the fact that they are educators.
With elections coming up in two days, I have seen one thing that does link these educators together: None of them support Dr. Tony Bennett in his reelection as the Indiana State Superintendent.
Which gets me thinking: The general public get to vote for the State Superintendent, but the vast majority of them are not affected by his term. Since that is the case, I feel it would make more sense to look at my local educators who WILL be DIRECTLY affected by the person in this position. This position is more than just Tony Bennett being a republican and Glenda Ritz being a democrat. Looking at this diverse pool of educators and not one support for the Republican candidate, even when some of them do not associate with the Democratic Party, I'm starting to wonder what kind of support Dr. Bennett does have to keep him in the running.
Of course, Dr. Bennett's support is almost 100% business and politics. Now, I understand why someone in this position would have to play nice with the business owner and politicians because this position is truly a liaison between them and the educators. But if your bridge is completely severed on one side, what hope do you have to be a successful liaison?
Yes, I'm an education major so I am more aware and opinionated than the average citizen. Yes, I am a democrat so I am more likely to have issues with the republican government that has controlled Indiana for the past several years. My point? IT'S NOT JUST ME WHO THINKS TONY BENNETT SHOULD BE OUT OF OFFICE. Get informed. Talk to a friend you have in the education system. Do your own research. Think about what kind of education you want your kids to get and see which candidate's platform aligns with that. DON'T JUST GO WITH WHAT PARTY YOU ASSOCIATE WITH.
And if you ask me and/or anyone else I know, you'll see that Glenda Ritz is the right candidate for this position.
I'm just hoping ignorance does not get the best of this race and our education system will have a chance to turn around again.

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