Saturday, December 13, 2014

No More Emails!

I was going to post this on a fan based Gilmlre Girls Wiki, but they wanted me to register and I'm sooooo tired of giving my email address to register for things and then getting spammed with emails

Question: How is Rory a nickname of Lorelai?

My Answer: Lingustically speaking, L's and R's are both liquids. This is why languages like Japonese that don't differentiate liquids struggle with the two sounds and switching them up. That being said, when learning to speak as infants age, the two sounds can be switched throughout trying to grasp speaking the language. 

So my theory is that Lorelai was trying to teach Rory to say her name by asking her to say "Lorie". I would thing that "Rory" was said instead in the beginning, switching the L's and R's because, well, baby. Now Lorelai, being the wonderful example setter she was at 17 years old, probably found it funny and laughed, and encouraged it. The rest is history!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Darned Relatable Instances

I just realized I'm not allowed to get mad at the school for mixing up me and the other "Miss Dennis" in the school.

Because at MY old middle school there was a Mrs. Owen, and Mr. Owen, and a Mrs. Owens. And I'm sure that just caused more fun than carter has pills.

I suppose there are worse things in the world than being mistaken for the only other person in the school with the best last name in the world :P

Monday, November 24, 2014

A Story Too Good Not to Share

Ok, so last night my sister and roommate and I decided we wanted to see the new Hunger Games movie. Having read all the books and seen the first two movies, it was already setting up to be a good night. As we approach the theater, we see a fire truck and ambulance in front of the theater and we see them haul in a stretcher...obviously someone is just having the time of their life right now.

We get in, get our tickets and head to the concession stand where a worker flags me down saying "Miss Dennis Miss Dennis!"

...let me set the picture for you. It's 7:00pm, I'm in sweat pants, boots, a tshirt, and my glasses...not anywhere close to the appearance of professional. It's also been over three months since I stopped working at the movie theater, and I've seen less than a handful of movies there since. Considering how I was "Emma" for three and a half years and "Miss Dennis" for only eight months...but my teacher brain is getting used to it, so I digress..

"Miss Dennis Miss Dennis!"

I go over to the worker gesturing to me, and with her is a customer at the concession stand. "He was in the theater where the customer had a seizure and he left his drink in there and was wondering if he could get another one..." this point I'm staring at her with my eyes wide. The only thing I feel safe to say her her is "You DO realize I don't work here anymore, right?"

The customer burst out laughing and the worker said yes, she knew, but with all the hubbub she didn't want to be the one to ask a meaningless question over the radio...which on one hand I get...but on the other, my sister was with me, and she's a current employee AND a she would technically be leaps and bounds more qualified to make that judgement call than I would.

It's just...really? Like, REALLY? Did that REALLY just happen?!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I'd feel worse except I know she blogs about me

"Hey, Bobby! Play that one about falling down the stairs!"

"Sure thing, Johnny!"

*Literally falls down stairs and crashes into a piano*

"...I love it!"

So I'm finding that I feel the need to vent more when I am taking on more of others' issues than my own. It's like I'm willing to give others so much more space in my head that I reserve for my own issues, and I never seem to have my own issues until that space has already been taken by someone else.

It's been a long, stressful week for me. Because I teach two high school level courses (French for 7th and 8th graders) I'm supposed to give finals for those classes. While my ENL kids don't take finals, we're in the process of completely revamping all of their schedules so that they're getting the attention they need in their major classes.

For the most part I feel like I have a pretty good support system. I have my family and close friends who will let me vent to them, and I'm even dating a guy who's been a great ear and distraction. I don't want to sound ungrateful or unappreciative of those in my life who are willing to step up if I were to ask.

But that's the thing, I'm never willing to ask. I'm the girl that never goes to the cafeteria for lunch because I don't want to be the one to disrupt the system, even though it's perfectly valid for me to do so. Not that this is about actually using the cafeteria...that was just supposed to be a metaphor.

It's like everything syncs up out of no where. I know these people will hear me out and give me advice or at least listen to me if I ask, but the moment I'm going crazy in my own head, my friends are going through their own drama, my guy is super busy at work, and it's just not something I feel the need to make a phone call and talk about over the phone to a family member for.

But I'm just going crazy. Why do I have to be the responsible one. I've been asked by multiple people why I'm nonconfrontational if I have issues with how things are done and it's because the argument is never worth it. It's NEVER worth it. But yet the one time I mention that the trashcan is full and the person who emptied it last didn't put a trash bag in it afterwards so the full trashcan has no trash turns into the fact that since I threw trash in there once too then it's ok and I shouldn't have contributed if it didn't bother me.

Like, I understand action and reaction. Yes, if I didn't want my only Ball State sweatshirt to be chewed by the dog I should have made sure it was safely in my room rather than on top the couch in the living room. But at the same time, if you've had your dog for almost seven months and she's still not trained well enough that while she's locked in her crate she freaks out so much that she chews a hole in the side of the kevlar plastic and reaches for anything within reach INCLUDING the corner of our couch AND one of my blankets AND my sweatshirt...all of which were ON the couch and no where near where her crate was to begin THAT really my fault?

She says put up a baby gate in my bathroom so she doesn't come in and pee on my bathroom floor. Why do I have to inconvenience my life and why do I have to be responsible to make changes to MY life when it's YOUR lack of responsibility that is inhibiting the entire thing?

I'm not a bandaid fix kind of person. I can't just keep adding bandaids to the problem and hope that one sticks well enough for things to work out. Heck, the reason why I'm doing this scheduling overhaul is because the fix we made back in September *was* a bandaid and now we're getting close to overriding teachers with classes they can't teach due to language barriers. By changing the schedules at semester I'm able to get help to the kids that REALLY need it, get everyone in a class with someone who either speaks the same language or who understands the content well enough to help, or with another aide or teacher to help alongside the content teacher. And I spent almost three hours on 23 students today. That's less than half the students that need this done, and that was a lot of time that I'm not being compensated for. But I'm taking responsibility that the bandaid I put on three months ago is a little warn and I don't want to put another one on, I want to wear cast so when it heals, it heals for good.


Not to mention the fact that my roommate talks about how she's so honest to a point and doesn't like the fact that while I'm honest I'm selective about what I say outloud...but yet every single time I've gone out of town she's sworn up and down that the apartment will be cleaned and the dishes will be done and I will come home to a GOOD place...and that has never once EVER happened. But yet when she comes home from Mexico the apartment is IMMACULATE, even though she said she was going to clean it before she left and she couldn't even manage that....


Like I said, this week has been crazy. Monday was the easiest day because all I had to do with a self-evaluation from my observation on Friday. Tuesday, though, I have a meeting after school until 4, teach a class on literally the opposite side of town at 6, don't get home until 8, and I had to prepare for a presentation I volunteered for the next day. While the presentation was not mandatory by any means, I'm trying to establish myself in this school and among the teachers, and that was a way to do so. But in doing so, I not only had to make the presentation but I also had to make sub plans for the class I was missing to do the presentations. Of course that was also the morning that I had my evaluation with the assistant principal so I didn't have the morning to do any prep at all. On top of that, I got a headache around 11am that did not go away all day. I went home and I was in bed at 3pm and was there basically all night. And my guy is super swamped with work until Christmas so I'm trying not to bother him, but of course he's the one person I want to just talk to and take me away from this hecticness (thus is life right?) So today after completely forgetting to plan something for my EL kids to do, my facilitator and I sat down for three hours to try and hammer out schedules for next semester, and really I'm kind of screwed unless I get my prep period changed to a different hour. And of course the advisor who would be able to help me with this is out of town because (bless her heart) her family is going through so much loss right now it's truly not fair. Hopefully tomorrow won't be so big of an overhaul I think I just need to get through my classes and then I'm done for the week. But all I want to do is relax over the weekend but I have a roommate who won't clean or take any initiative unless I prompt her and a boyfriend who's working the weekend and probably won't have time to just relax.

I'm just hoping getting this off my chest and on paper makes me feel better. My hormones have been going up and down but I'm not even allowed to complain about them in the comfort of my own apartment because my roommate's are worse. I didn't realize everything was a pissing contest.

On one hand I can't even fathom that the end of the semester is NEXT WEEK and I'm so beyond happy that I can go to Ohio where I have absolutely no ties or obligations other than to my family and I can just enjoy the lack of cell signal in silent bliss. On the other hand I'm missing someone I can't reach and I'm preparing myself to coming home to my apartment after Christmas and it being an absolute wreck. And I hate that.

...I don't think I had realized how mad I actually was before I started writing this. I just hate how unfair things have been, but I haven't done anything to stop it because I can justify it in my head. It's hard for me to say I'm right and I have the right to ask for things to change, especially with a defensive roommate and the inability to ask it of someone before going through every single scenario in my head first. I've always claimed to having never been depressed but jeeze...maybe I'm getting a taste of it and I didn't even realize.

Like I said, I'm hoping that the magic of cyber space helps make me feel better about everything. Because my next solution is having a proxy fight my battles for me...or surgically enhancing my confrontation chemical and bully others to give me my really the first option really is the best.

"Do you ever get tired of being random?"

*looks at each other wearing duck bills*

"Me neither"

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Reasons Why I Don't Update My Blog As Much Anymore

1) I'm actually super busy.

2) Device-wise, I'm usually within arms' reach of my phone or iPad, and I really don't like writing lengthy posts on a touch screen.

3) I'm constantly trying to keep my cat from being killed by my roommate.

4) Because I am now the owner of a smartphone and two tablets, I really rarely use my macbook anymore, which has the best keyboard for typing long posts.

5) I'm too busy trying to convince myself how busy I am.

6) While I have a computer at school that I could easily make lengthy posts on, I really use all my time for school work.

7) I'm constantly trying to keep my cat from killing me.

8) I'm dating again! And everyone knows that free time previously used for blogging is prime dating time.

9) The pertinent things that I actually want to blog about are really not things I want in the public space for everyone to see. Not until I can figure out how I want to word it all, that is.

10) Maybe I really am just that busy.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I'd Like to Thank All The Little People

I got my first (practice) evaluation of the year last week. It went well and I got some great feedback, but that wasn't the most memorable part of it. My guest evaluator knew me before I was a teacher. He even knew me before I was in college to become a teacher. He was actually student teaching in my mother's classroom when I was a senior in high school. SMALL WORLD! There's just something about this guy that makes me create super random connections, because back in high school we did the whole six degrees of separation with his fiancée working with my best's a long story. But the craziest thing was even though it had been six years we still knew each other and were able to quickly catch up. He even sent me a note the next week saying how nice it was to have seen each other again!

Tiny made me realize that I have had some awesome teachers in my life who have impacted my life. I just wanted to take the time to tribute them all.

Mrs. Shelton was my 2nd and 3rd grade teacher. She looped us up and I loved her for it. I was one of three kids who never got marked for discipline, and she took us out for pizza and ice cream because of it. As a second/third grader you don't think "I should stay in contact with this person", but even so, when I graduated high school she sent me a card. I don't know if she followed that I became a teacher, but I doubt I'd have wanted to become one without her.

Miss Montgomery was my 5th grade teacher. Fresh meat, right out of college. I was originally supposed to have my 4th grade teacher for 5th grade but she moved out of the district before school started. I loved Miss Montgomery. She probably let me get away with much more than I should have, but I don't have a single bad memory from her class. She used "Learn Ball", which had us have teams and we got so many points doing certain things throughout the day and we could actually try and shoot basketballs to earn points at the end of the day. The vividness of some of my memories from 5th grade are crazy, but the best was the fact she gave me the "most likely to become a teacher" superlative. She was there was I was inducted into the National Honor Society, and when I graduated high school. Thanks to modern technology, we're able to keep up with each other through Facebook. It's pretty cool to see the path that was paved for me so young stay true all this time.

I had two teachers in 7th grade that inspired me. The first was my science teacher, Mrs. Effinger, because she pushed me to understand what I had never tried to understand before. At the end of the year, my report card came and it said I got a C in her class. My parents were furious, especially when I said I had no idea who I could have gotten a C. Two weeks later, I get a card from her in the mail saying that there was a mishap with the grades, I had actually gotten an A-, and that they should be honored and proud to have a daughter like me I'M NOT KIDDING! My mom was touched, and it was nice to have a teacher that challenged me.

Mrs. Jennings was my 7th grade English teacher. One of those teachers that you just have an instant connection with. To this day I thank her for putting up with my huge ego thinking that I had a decent writing bone in my body. I cringe every time I read them now...but she is a saint! She encouraged me to write! If it weren't for her I might not be so obsessed with keeping up a blog...It's not fiction, but it's been one of the best outlets I've had. Even if it's a mindless post it keeps me sane.

Mrs. Shumaker was my high school French teacher. She's the reason why I'm convinced that every French teacher needs to have some insanity in them...and it's so true. It's not easy to take French. The spelling is different, the pronunciation is different, you cannot be a student not wanting to do work, and do well in French. Which means that I have to spend a lot of time making my lessons engaging and comprehensive so that whatever learning type my students are, I can reach them. As a teacher now, I look back at some of the things she had us do and think "THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE NOW!!!" Every other French teacher I have met has had some crazy in them, so I'm determined to keep the trend going.

I only had Mrs. Cumberworth for one year as a teacher, but she was the English Academic Superbowl coach, and I participated in that for the three years that I didn't have her as a teacher. She was another one that made me learn to challenge myself, and that's a skill I can't thank anyone enough for. Not only did I spend free time working on reading and understanding extremely complex works of literature, but she helped me develop my writing style more than anyone else has. There was one college project my freshman year where I had to turn around and write 17 pages essentially in a day...and I was able to do so thanks to her. Now people can't get me to stop writing, if you couldn't tell from this extremely verbose blog entry...

As much as I want to keep the parallelism with titles and last names, it's so hard for me to call her "Mrs. Said". Stacy Said was the first face I saw on campus at Ball State. I was participating in the Accelerate Program to kick off the school year, and she was the staff coordinator for the event. She talked about all these leadership opportunities on campus, and I was one who loved to overextend herself by participating in as many things as possible! Stacy advised me from my very first step on campus, first as a representative in the Residence Hall Association, and from then on in every other leadership role I had on campus (and there were several). I didn't realize how big of an impact she had on me being a leader until she moved before my senior year...and she was just no longer there.

Dr. Gilman at Ball State was the first professor I had who I thought was a mad genius. If anyone were to actually have the French language MASTERED, it would be him. He and I connected because he instantly saw my enjoyment for French grammar. Even though I took his composition class before his grammar class, he saw it in me, sought me out, and led me down his path of genius. When I did eventually take his grammar class, on top of his normal homework he had me working on text translations, in case I decided teaching wasn't for me and I wanted to become a mad genius like him. He seriously had a good ten years of my life mapped out if that's the path I decided to take.

Mr. Cooper wasn't a traditional teacher I had, mostly because he was the general manager at the movie theater where I spent my summers in between college semesters. However, he is the first person to actually take the time and teach me how to lead. I was just a floor staff member when he became general manager, and he took the time to evaluate me, give me feedback, and watch me grow throughout my four and a half years there. He had me as a trainer, supervisor, lead supervisor, and then I became an assistant manager just under a year ago. He took the time to invest in me, and that type of education is something that I couldn't learn from a classroom. Even though I no longer work at the theater, his lessons find themselves with me in my classroom.

Last but not least, is probably the mentor I talk about the most. Dr. Stallings is so much more than a university professor these days. She's a colleague, a mentor, a confidant, and a friend. She is the direct reason why I am exactly where I am today. Besides her astounding knowledge of language, she showed me a whole new world of passion with working with English Language Learners. I owe her so much when it comes to my teaching path and career. She is magic. I hope our paths cross in the future and we're able to work together once again.

There are so many others who impacted my life and my decisions as to who I am today. Obviously I would not be where I am without everyone, but these individuals stand out to me, even though some of our contact was over a decade (almost two!) for some. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I will always appreciate what you have done for me.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Frustration Venting

Can I just say that it is extremely frustrating to be the only teacher in the entire building that has four preps?

For those of you not familiar with teacher lingo, preps do not refer to prep periods but rather the different courses that a teacher teaches in one day. If you only teach 8th grade science, you have one prep. Me, I teach French 7, French 8, ENL Beginner and ENL Intermediate. All in one day. 

Don't get me wrong, I've probably go insane if I taught the same class six periods in one day. But being a new teacher and having the biggest workload is getting to me more than I'd ever dare let on. I'm supposed to be an expert in not one but two different fields with two separate levels. I can talk about my expertise until I'm blue on the face, but to be teaching French only to have an administrator come in saying we have a newcomer with no English that needs help in a teaching English and having an administrator come in with a Native Frenchman wondering if he can sit in on my classes...not to mention the typical popping in to see how I'm doing teaching my lessons because evaluations will start in two months and those decide my future as a teacher...

Part of me is waiting for someone to tell me they think I'm struggling and I'll just explode asking if they could handle cramming everything I do into one day. Or sometimes my facilitator wants to talk about lesson plans three weeks down the road because we have new standards so we have to make a new curriculum and I know where he's coming from and he doesn't have the background to make all these decisions but I'm dealing with exactly the same issue with new French books, new French teacher, and loss of parallelism between last years curriculum and the high school curriculum. 

...I'm legitimately on my own. No one else does what I do and certainly not to the extent. I know it will get easier with time but I'm hoping I make it long enough to actually feel like I'm doing more than just surviving. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Crossing the Starting Line and Taking Those First Steps

I really am sorry for the lack of posts these past couple of months. I hate to say that I've been too busy, but I truly have been. It has been a marathon of running around since I started teaching and I'm still waiting for that one moment where I can take a second to breathe. Still hasn't happened yet...

Going back to when I last posted, I actually no longer work at the movie theater. The team I joined and grew to love started falling apart by people leaving (moving on up so I can't complain, but it's still sad) and not feeling as comfortable with those that replaced them. While I do identify as an extrovert, I definitely do not get along with everyone. I went to the general manager and told him how I was feeling, and I was able to leave on extremely good terms.

Up until about three days before the first day of school for my township, I was prepared to teach ENL to high schoolers. Of course that's just too easy of a job so I got a call from the assistant super intendent asking if I'd be alright switching to teaching half French half ENL at the middle school. He also said that both principals had already approved, of course implying that I'd look like a total ass if I said no. Not to mention he said the French program would turn into an online program if I didn't say yes. So with absolutely no pressure at all (sarcasm) I traded in my falcons for the mighty mustangs. And of course with three days until students arrive, I was scrambling to get everything into my new classroom and set up for the students. There were definitely some days where I came to the school, left for a meeting, and then came BACK to the school because if I left for the day I'd be so behind. There's part of me that feels like I still need to come in on Saturdays just to try and get SOMETHING finished.

Despite the rocky start, the school year has actually been pretty darn fantastic so far. I've finally gotten to meet the teaching whom I'm replacing, along with gather some insight on this school, I feel a little on my own because the way the school has me and my schedule, I'm the only actual ENL teacher. There's one teacher that works with ENL students in a small learning community, but there are native students in there as well and she does not focus on the ENL WIDA standards. There's also a facilitator, who is a licensed teacher but not actually trained or versed in ENL. Basically he's looking for a social studies teaching job and this is his foot in the door for the district. Can I blame him? Absolutely not, that's where I was last year...but at least I had the ENL license when I was in that position. But anyway, the school talks about how we have more EL students this year than ever before, but yet the main EL teacher (me) is only teaching three periods a day...with a total of 26 students (I'll give you a hint, there are more than 100 in this school alone...) I'm not sure if they're utilizing our staff to the best of their ability.

I'm still wrapping me head around this being a permanent job. I don't know if it's because every other teaching experience has been sectioned off into pretty little amounts (8 weeks here, 12 there, 16 there, etc) and this basically is exactly what I make of it. It's kind of powerful. It makes me want to move again (even though I've had more than my fair share of moving in the past year) and be closer to the township and learn how to be part of this community.

I was telling all of this to Rachel, and she made the comment that I've started the rest of my life. It took me a moment to understand what she meant by that, because I feel no different today than I did last week than I did four months ago than I did a year ago. I'm still just going along doing what I need to do to be successful. But she's right. I've graduated college and obtained a job in LITERALLY the definition of my degree. I've moved out of my parents house and am paying for my own place of residency. I pay for insurance, utilities, rent, food, my own activities...I'm at that point of my life where the gun has sounded, and I've started racing down the track of life.

On one hand I hate that it's true. I feel like I'm always going to be reaching for that next achievement...whatever it may be. Grad school, buying a house, getting married, promotions, etc and so forth because I'm sure if I'll ever get used to the race, even if I stay exactly where I am for the next five years. The race is still going on and I'm in it...I'm just getting used to it still.

The rest of my life has started. I am 100% officially an adult. Who did this? Who let this happen?

Saturday, July 26, 2014

I'm THAT Girl

All throughout my schooling career, I've not enjoyed Social Studies/History classes. I have little to no interest in the subject, and I find it hard to concentrate and pay attention and retain the information necessary to do well in those courses. My sister doesn't get it because she actually likes those sort of things (but I mean come on her favorite season is winter so what does that tell you about her lol). Anyway, this would typically confound my friends and classmates because even though I didn't like it and would complain about it often, that didn't mean I was bad in those classes.

I remember my 12th grade year I took regular Government rather than We The People/AP Government and a lot of my friends questioned my decision. Having multiple reasons, such as being in France for two months would make it hard to find American news articles as well as there were some people in that class I wasn't too fond of, the main reason was it was my senior year and I didn't want it to be spoiled by being in an honors class that not only did I not enjoy but didn't care about. So I took regular government, and it was seriously the easiest class in the world. But you better bet I complained about it. It was one of those classes where you're sitting in the back of the room reading and the teacher thinks they're being smart and calling on you to show how you weren't paying attention but then you bust out the right answer and the teacher hangs their mouth and you just sigh from being bored...

My favorite part about that class was when it was over and report cards came, my mom wanted to lecture me so badly about getting a C on the final. The thing was, I had such a high A from doing NOTHING in that class yet still succeeding, that the C legitimately changed nothing in my grade.

Anyway, the point of this anecdote is that I have found a similar situation in my adult life. At the movie theater, there are two main closing duties: Counting all the cash flow throughout the day and dealing with nightly paperwork, and counting our stock inventory and making sure it matches what the computer says we should have on hand. Most nights, each manager picks one of the tasks and that's what they focus on all night. If you're really good, both managers can get done relatively at the same time. However, more times than not, inventory takes longer than cash.

If I am given my choice and the other managers legitimately want me to chose, I will always choose cash. I've been doing it longer and the administrative side of me prefers working with those numbers and paperwork, and I have a pretty flawless system were everything gets done orderly and efficiently. However, there are some times where I get cornered into doing inventory, and each time I basically make it known how much I don't like doing it. I don't like feeling secluded and uninvolved and being behind the concession stand while all the other managers are in the lobby makes me feel just that.

Only here's the thing: I'm actually quite good at inventory. As in, I did it on Tuesday for the first time in over a month (and we do this nightly) and I finished BEFORE the cash manager did (which really only ever happens if someone completely messed up their cash, and that night that was not the case). However it was a Tuesday which is one of our slower days, so it might have been just a fluke. However, I also did it tonight, on a Saturday, which has the most likely of all the days for there to be gross errors in inventory. The previous night the manager who had done it spent over an hour REcounting EVERYTHING because he was so off and basically had to end the day with a loss of a great amount of product and money. I was preparing for a similar night (because typically things don't disappear and then reappear for counting) but as I entered my numbers into the computer and saw the results, everything was exactly as it should have been. Not only was my FIRST set of counts in the great range, but I was done before any of the other managers,  including over an hour before cash was done.

BUT EVEN KNOWING THIS! Knowing that I have a system that works extremely well and can do it in a time efficient manner...I'll still complain about it and I'll still pick cash over inventory every time.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Best Thing Ever Introduced to Public School Lunches

My parents did not give me school lunch money after 7th grade. I was responsible for either packing my own lunch, using my own money to buy school lunch, or going without for the day. I usually packed my lunch, but there was one item that you always had to get if they were serving, especially since they were only around once a month:


You see the lunch lady bring out a tray of these and the Gods are smiling down on you. You try and get the best piece available but know that no matter what piece you get is going to be the upmost delicious thing you've had in a month. You savor it, and wish they would come more often.

As a fellow baker, I've looked for copycat recipes and tried my own concoctions to recreate this beloved childhood favorite. I've had some that are not even close...some that were close but not close enough, and then this one. And...I've found it.

I believe this is the third recipe I tried. The simplicity of it makes me wonder where I could have gone wrong in the previous ones, but the taste test holds true: They taste exactly the same.

I found this recipe on Pinterest. She claimed that they tasted like Reese's Cups...but obviously she either had not tasted the actual peanut butter bars, or she was mixing up childhood memories. Either way, I saw everything and decided to give it a try. I have made only a few tweaks, but this recipe is pretty darn close.

1 cup butter melted
2 cups graham cracker crumbs (use the boxed kind, or grind them in a food processor. Tiny granules.)
2 cups confectioners’ (powdered) sugar
1 cup peanut butter

For the Frosting
1/2 cup peanut butter chips
1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips
peanut butter to taste

Some notes about the ingredients:

-Definitely make sure you use actual BUTTER. Using margarine will not yield the same delicious results (Will probably not hold/set as well).

-I used the Keebler boxed graham cracker crumbs. At first I thought they weren't fine enough, but they are actually quite perfect. I also had another 1/4 cup of the crumbs set aside to help the consistency of the peanut butter part.

-Water displacement is your friend

-I used Toll House Semisweet chocolate chips, Reese's Peanut Butter Chips, and Peter Pan peanut butter.

In a medium bowl, mix together the melted butter, graham cracker crumbs, confectioners’ sugar, and 1 cup peanut butter until well blended. Press evenly into the bottom of an ungreased 9×13 inch pan. In a metal bowl over simmering water, or in the microwave, melt the chocolate and peanut butter chips, stirring occasionally until smooth. Add peanut butter as desired. Spread over the peanut butter layer. Refrigerate for at least one hour before cutting into squares.

Some notes on the directions:

-Please feel free to use a fork, there's no need to whip out the electric mixer for this.

-You want the concoction to be completely mixed, however be able to pick up with hand and mold without leaving a complete mess. Like you could roll in a ball and make chunky peanut butter cookies. This is where the 1/4 cup of graham cracker crumbs will come in handy if it's too wet.

-I used a 9x9 glass Pyrex pan. These ratios fit fine without it being too full or thick.

-The frosting is what I changed most from the recipe. I think the original recipe's chocolate made it more like Reese's Cups, but this is closer to what the schools had. If you're using the double boiler to melt the chocolate...congratulations, you're an overachiever. I put the chips in another Pyrex bowl and microwaved them in 30 second increments, stirring after each time (I've burnt chocolate in the microwave enough times not to do more than that). I believe I ended up adding about a tablespoon of peanut butter after that. You want the bitterness of the semi-sweet chocolate to be cut by the peanut butter. It should be a nice light brown color when you're done.

I waited the hour (longest hour of my LIFE) and cut the squares. The taste test was definitely worth the wait. I was surprised how spot on things were! If there was ever a moment of life achievement, that was it. I proceeded to share with my sister and a coworker, who were also crying with delight that was the heavens in their mouths.

As you can see, they're almost gone. After less than 24 hours. Luckily my aversion to chocolate doesn't have me eating a lot, but my sister on the other hand...


The big thing these days is to see what substitutions you can get away with. This is going to have to be someone else's experiment, because I am absolutely terrible at substitutions going successfully. But this is by no means healthy for you (except for letting your childhood rest in peace of course). I mean, two cups of powdered sugar...because that's healthy. However, things I'm wondering:

-What can we use instead of butter? I'm curious how Greek Yogurt or Applesauce would affect the results.

-Would the more natural/healthy nut butters (almond butter for example) give a similar if not better result?

-What about finely processed granola? Or oats?

I do like how easy the ratios are for the current recipe. This could probably very easily be converted into a one serving thing to ease the guilt in our consciences (like a microwave mug minus the microwaving). But if you were making these for a larger crowd it would be simple to convert.

I'd love to hear about any success stories! Let me know if your taste buds have been saved as mine have :)

Friday, June 27, 2014


Obligatory post so that I don't miss a month.

I have I think three blog drafts. One is extremely personal so it's taking forever to get the right feeling to post. Another is very very personal to the point of I doubt I'll ever post, and the third is one I started when I was half asleep and just haven't gotten around to finishing. Some updates:

Rachel came to live with me this summer

I am staying at Perry Meridian High School to teach ENL

My roommate got a dog that I continuously have a love-hate relationship with

My quest to eliminate all dangling prepositions from my written and spoken language is not succeeding

Friday, May 16, 2014

Rest in Peace, Dave Thornton

Quiet hallways scare me. Having passing period come and go with so little chatter is disturbing. These are high schoolers, and their lives have been affected in ways very few know how to be prepared.

The class across from me is always buzzing. Today I can barely hear the teacher.

There were going to be humorous presentations, now instead there are crosswords, study halls, and word of another teacher fighting cancer.

He was in the school teaching last week. LAST WEEK. He wanted more than anything to make it until the AP Calculus test and be there for his students until then. He did. He made it. But he paid for it, because he left the school early that day, driven by another teacher, because he was malnourished and dehydrated.

The cancer took advantage of his big heart and shredded it to pieces.

I see several math teachers throughout the day. It hurts that all I can ask is "how are you holding up" knowing that they have it so much worse than I do. They *knew* him. They worked with him. They LOVED him.

He was incredibly involved in the school. While we only exchanged smiles in the hallway a few times, I knew who he was because of the impact he had on the school. He was the wrestling coach. He tutored after school. He climbed mountains. He ran half-marathons. He had more teacher awards from students than could be counted.

Quiet hallways scare me. All anyone ever said was "if anyone should be able to beat this, it's him." While I'm sure this is a common phrase among most victims, I truly believe this to the core. He fought it for four years. He showed strength in times of weakness, and hope in times of helplessness. He was in school last week. He found out his liver was failing last night. He died hours later. It all happened so fast... Screaming...and then silence.

I donated today. even though everything is final, I had to reach out somehow. He had only been married for seven years. He had two daughters, 4 and 6 years old. He left behind a family of falcons that have so much respect for him, they are silent in the hallways. I had to do something. I had to do something.

It is easier, for me, to support rather than mourn. I will continue to ask how the math teachers are doing and will continue to hope that the silence turns from something scary to something beautiful.

Dave Thornton, you will be forever loved, forever missed, and forever remembered. God bless.

Thursday, May 15, 2014


In convenient picture form :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Stream of Consciousness 3

If I had to choose one subject to teach, I'm pretty sure it would always be French. I love teaching ENL and I love that I get to teach both, because those learning English actually WANT to learn and it's a treat to see them discover the language. However, my own passion is with French. I was explaining how the word "qu'est-ce que" came to be and going through it all...I knew no matter who understood that's what I enjoyed.

I like to read stories over again because I love getting to feel consumed by it time and time again. It's very easy for me to get sucked in and read as though I'm participating in a movie. Typically I enjoy a story because I enjoy the ending (there's a reason why I've read Divergent multiple times but not the final part of the trilogy). To me, it's not about knowing how it ends, it's about the journey TO the happily ever after.

Sometimes I wish teachers weren't so good at hiding their facebook. I'm sure others probably feel the same about me, but how am I supposed to be friends with these people if I can't cyber stalk them? (sarcasm)

I go back and forth between saying I'm allergic vs I'm sensitive to caffeine. The way I truly believe it works: You know how you get a headache if you stare at the computer for too long, or how you get a stomach ache for eating too much of something you like? That's how caffeine is for me, only it happens much more quickly than it does most people.

I don't think I'm passive aggressive. Passive aggressive--to me--sounds like, very literally, that you are taking out your aggression passively. Back handed compliments, hedging around the issue, etc. What I do is just completely shut down. I will go silent and remain silent until I know I won't say anything that shouldn't be said.

I think my ideal soulmate wouldn't be passive in his own life. I think he'd have strength...just more than likely in areas where I don't. I know I want to be the best at what I do, but I think I want to be with someone who is the best at what he does too.

I legitimately have no desire to leave Indiana, preferably even Indianapolis. I think this surprises most people, including my family. I'm not sure if it's because I'm afraid to try something new or I'm afraid to be alone, but I have absolutely no issues raising a family here.

I don't think I'm as extraverted as people make me out to be. I think I'm probably 65% extravert, 35% introvert. I think I'm surrounded by people who are more mostly introverted so I seem more extraverted, even though I still have quite a few introverted tendencies.

I think I have sympathies towards claustrophobia. While small spaces themselves don't bother me, I get anxious when I feel like I don't have room. Considering this just happened in my 1000 sq ft apartment, I think they're related but not an exact definition.

I do not for a second regret being a teacher's pet in high school, and to certain professors in college. The fact that at a drop of a hat I can get multiple letters of recommendation for any type of position I want is a blessing.

I have no idea what I'm going to do when I have free time over the summer. I say free time even though I'll still be working 40 hours a week. Considering it's a drop from 65-75 hours a week, it's going to feel like copious amounts of free time.

On that note, I don't even want to start thinking about what it will feel like when I have NO job over the summer/breaks. Maybe my yen for traveling will come back.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

One more Comment about Feminism

Last comment, for now.

Shailene Woodley is getting a lot of crap for her interview with TIME and her views on feminism. I just want to say a couple things:

Her main argument  is that she's not for feminism because "raise women to power, take the men away from the power is never going to work because you need balance".

While most feminists will say that feminism is defined as vying for equality for men and women alike. If you think about it, that's what Shailene wants, she just doesn't call it feminism. She calls it sisterhood. Also, considering we live in a male-dominant world, wouldn't men have to lose power in order for women to gain it? Wouldn't that mean that you are "taking the men away from the power", which is what she says she's against?

So it sounds like we're saying the same thing, only you're mad that she said she's not feminist. This reminds me of when hipsters were a thing. See, my boyfriend is not the stereotypical hipster (glasses, starbucks, angst) but I would call him one all the time. Because my definition of hipster is synonymous with pretentious. He'd make a comment about how he did or did not like something, airing on how he's better than someone with opposite implications, and I would call him a hipster for it. I feel like this article is the same way: You all believe in the same thing, just are calling it different things.

I don't like the stigma and connotations that come with being a feminist. If I were to agree with the ideals, I probably still wouldn't call myself a feminist because my initial reaction IS to shy away from it.

There is one more thing that she says in her interview that I feel expressed my feelings towards "feminism" exactly. "I don't know how we as women expect men to respect us because we don't even seem to respect each other. There's so much jealous, so much comparison and envy". YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!!

A woman will do or say what is socially acceptable more often than do what they want. You are going to tell your friend they look cute, lost weight, look tan, etc before you tell them you hate their dress, are wearing too much make-up, have a muffin top, and have been tanning too much. You are going to befriend someone you do not get along with just so you can keep up on the drama in their lives and watch them crumble and burn. You are going to surround yourself with people who have the traits you wish you had in yourself, and then you are going to talk badly about them to your other friends. PLEASE TELL ME HOW ANY OF THAT IS RESPECTFUL!!!!

Men don't do this. And that is why they're in more power than women. And if you think for a second that women striving for equality is going to end there, you are delusional. Women will not stop until they have it all, because that is the nature of their character.

A very accurate (though exaggerated) portrayal of this is in the comic "Y the Last Man" I think all "feminists" should check it out.

Bottom Line: Could Shailene have conducted a better interview to get her views across accurately? Absolutely. However, welcome to America where we enjoy making our celebrities look dumb to validate the common person.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My Insanely Big Head

So In my position, I end of working with a lot of aides and classified staff. It doesn't bother me; it's the nature of the job. I like working with them because to me it doesn't matter if you have a degree but the experience you have in the field and I have had some great learning experiences from these staff.

But sometimes (like currently while we're doing ECA testing) I'll be with a bunch of aides and the head of guidance will come in and say "now you're all here to help Miss Dennis because we need a licensed person to administer this and that blah blah" and it makes me want to have a swivel chair and be all "so how high should I make you jump" and "so look who needs who now" and "BOOM I'm your boss now" etc etc more things to make me look like a selfish cocky idiot.

I would never actually say any of those things. Again, I love working with the people I do. But sometimes in my head I remember why I took the time to get the certifications I did and this is how it pays off. I get to be useful in the school. I get to help manage stressful situations. All because I have a teachers license.

And I am ok with this :)

BUT with that being said, because I'm the one that *needs* to administer everything, I'm stuck in this room, whereas my assistants have left and not come back :( It's like...



Wednesday, April 23, 2014

On a Completely Unrelated Note:

I had no idea it had been since September since I last posted a chapter! Granted, I knew it had been a few months, but I swore I had worked on it at some point in 2014! Shows how much I know...

And Here's To You - Chapter 5

“Elaina, you really should let me shop for you.” My best friend, Robin, shook her head as I tried to pick out clothes from a boutique in the mall. With record high temperatures and Cameron working, I found myself in the air-conditioned mall with my completely opposite and oldest friend.
By completely opposite I mean there’s no reason we should get along at all let alone be best friends. We first met at freshman orientation four years ago because we were in the same advising group. I was never a shy girl, but I didn’t just randomly talk to strangers like she did. First she asked our advisor if different grades could have the same lunch, the next thing I know she’s turning to me asking if I know any cute seniors. I mean seriously who does that? Anyway, she must have enjoyed my presence because the first day of freshman year she found me in the lunchroom and the rest went from there.
Here at the mall she somehow convinced me to get pedicures. She’s the type of girl that gets her nails done habitually, along with maintaining her professionally highlighted hair regularly and never leaving the house without a perfectly coordinated outfit. How she and I, the give-me-jeans-and-a-tshirt-and-I’m-happy tomboy, have made it this long with a relatively peaceful friendship is beyond me.

Robin looked at the clothes I had in my hand “It’s the hottest day of the year so far and you’re picking out jeans?”

“The summer is the best time to find jeans, high supply, low demand,” I counter. She must have thought I was joking because when I started looking at long sleeved shirts she drags me away, throwing the jeans behind her, not caring where they fall.

“Hey! I was going to by those!”

“No you weren’t,” she said “You were going to try them on and then complain that the thread on the hem was loose, or the rhinestones on the pocket were tacky and would fall off in two washes, and then you’d put them back and scowl until we left the store.”

She dragged me along while she went through more racks of clothing. The next thing I knew, I had a maxi skirt and a peasant blouse in my arms and was being shoved back towards the dressing rooms. “You’re trying these on, and I’m going to see you in them, and that’s that.”

I rolled my eyes and shut the door, mildly amused at her insistence. Because I knew there’s no way out of it, I took off my jean capris and blue cotton tshirt and put on the clothes she chose. I stepped out without looking in the mirror and turned to Robin.

She stared at me for two seconds and then nods. “Yep. You’re getting those.”

I go over to the 180-mirror and take a look. The skirt hugs my hips and flows straight down, stopping less than an inch to the floor. The shirt makes my athletic body look more feminine than I’ve ever succeeded in making it, by making my boobs look big and stomach look small. Self-consciously, I take my hair out of its ponytail and watch it tumble onto my shoulders, blond waves cascading to the small of my back. Whoa.
I feel a pinch at my shoulder and hip, and when I turn, I see Robin running away with the tags in her hand. “I’m buying these before you can change your mind. Don’t change out of those if you value your life!” She blows a kiss at me and continues towards the cashier. I roll my eyes but look at my reflection again. I certainly can’t complain with the end results. I put on my sandals and start folding my old clothes. My mind drifts back to last night.

Despite how suave he had been that morning or in his text, he seemed visibly relieved when I came to his window. It was the encouragement I needed to climb through, this isn’t just about me. He was playing a game on his Xbox so I sat on his bed with my legs crossed. He got back on the bed and lay on his stomach; his shoulder and my knee were touching.

I’m not sure what the game is, but he is shooting wormhole entry points and exit points with a gun and then going through them. Boys and their toys, I think, never having gotten the hang of Xbox myself.
“You wanna talk about dinner?” Cameron asks me without taking his eyes off the screen.

“Not really. You wanna talk about your sister?” I say in the same tone he used with me.

He paused his game and looked me in the eye. “No.” I resisted the sudden urge to cry but broke the eye contact. It’s hard to see pain etched in someone when you know it’s reflected in yourself. After a couple moments he went back to his game. I uncrossed my legs and lay down with my head on his pillow, putting my feet by his head. “Hey now,” he started “what did I do to you? Get your smelly feet away from me”.

He pushes at my feet and I push them towards his face, making us both laugh. Incidentally, he lost concentration and died somehow in his game, putting him back at his last checkpoint. “Check this out” he said as his character went to a narrow hallway and made a wormhole entry and exit right across from each other. Holstering the gun, his character extended his hands into each hole. He was holding hands with himself, in an infinite loop of his character. “That’s one way to never be alone.” He shut off his game and Xbox and joined me at the top of his bed. “Amanda called today.”

“Oh really?” I ask nonchalantly. “And how did that go?”

“She was going on about how we broke up rashly, how we could make things work, and how I could transfer down to New Mexico…” he trailed off and looked at me and I did my best to keep a blank face. “Could she be anymore selfish?”

I released the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. I’m glad he said it and not me. “Looks like you’ll have to keep breaking hearts, then.”

He put his arm around me and turned me on my side facing him. “Here’s what we need: A watch that instead of telling time, it tells you how much time until you meet your true love. Then, all you have to do is wait until it ticks down to zero and let fate do all the rest.”

I have to keep myself from chiding a sarcastic remark back. While I personally didn’t care for Amanda, I know he did. “Isn’t that basically what we’re doing? The only thing is that there’s no watch. You’re still waiting for fate to do all the dirty work”

“Yeah, I guess.” He looks down at me and pulls me closer so that my head is on his chest. “But isn’t knowing half the fun?”

His tshirt is soft against my cheek. Rhythmically rubbing my back, he’s chasing the demons from earlier this evening away. “If I knew who mine was, I’d feel badly for knowing I’d mess it up somehow.”

Cameron laughed sleepily “It’d be because of your smelly feet.” One last squeeze and I know he’s drifting off to dreamland, while I relaxed and tried to sleep, but kept thinking about soul mates and how much Cameron deserves to meet his.

Friday, April 18, 2014

My struggle with feminist progression

A long time ago I made a post about how I was not a feminist. Today, I feel the same way, but this feeling confuses me.

It's a fine line. Do I believe that women should be treated equally and given the exact same rights, wages, privileges, responsibilities, duties, and opportunities that men do? But do I think that women should be treated with blatant INequality and disrespect? Absolutely not! So then, what is it that I actually believe?

My go to example is if a draft were reinstated. If we had true equality, then both men and women would be expected to draft at 18, not just men. Can you imagine being a parent and having to lose both your sons and your daughters to war? Family lines all over the country would cease to exist because there is no active preservation of that line.

If a man and a woman are doing exactly the same job, to the tee, with the exact amount and caliber of experience, then I think it is wrong if there is a wage gap. If the woman has more experience and a higher caliber, then I do not think she should be making the same or less than someone with less experience. I see it very objectively: take the gender off the resume and evaluate them based on their worth, not their sexual organs. However, there's a strong part of me that feels this is rarely the case. Even if the man and woman have the same caliber of education, I do not feel that their experience will be the same, and I do not think their perception towards clients or administrations will be the same. We have stereotypes for a reason, and while I know it's easy to defy them or be the exception, it's still an accurate assumption or else it wouldn't be the stereotype.

You have two companies trying to sign on a client. One is run by a guy, the other a girl.

Actually, let's start by looking how I addressed the scenario: Guy vs Girl. There's a social etiquette with gender terms, and for some reason, we are allowed to say girl for an adult, but not boy. By saying girl instead of lady or woman, aren't we already belittling females? If you say "girl" the first words a guy will think is young, silly, foolish, etc. Very similar to what girls think of the world "boy". But yet, I've called my mom a girl and there's never been an issue.

However, I digress...

The two companies cannot take the same approach with the client. The one run by a guy will take the client out to a round of golf and then a lunch, all expensively paid by his company, trying to show the luxuries available to the client by signing on. Of course, this is under the assumption that the client is a guy. If it is a girl, he'll probably still take her out to lunch, showing her the luxuries of the company but then taking the route that she would never have to lift a finger by signing on with them. The company run by a girl would be trying hard to impress a guy client by empirically stating facts proving her to be the best option. With a girl client she would probably take more of a relatable approach...

Of course I'm saying all this when I'm a teacher...which is a profession that has been ruled by women for the past century. Funnily enough this started out as a man's profession but when women started to feel the need to work for themselves they became teachers because their nurturing instincts would do well with the children in the classroom.

I need to make a better habit of not speaking of subject which I have no experience, just mild observations. I suppose my perception of the world is that men do more for society, so their added privileges and responsibilities don't strike me as odd or undeserving. However, if I personally am vying for something that is given to a man, I'm not going to pull the "it's because I'm a girl" card, I'm going to work to show that I'm the better candidate and do more to DESERVE it.

I am again saying this because I've been promoted over a guy before. Twice. We were both up for a supervisor promotion, and technically he had been promoted before me the first time (though I blame being out of the country half way through promotions, not lack of experience) I still beat him out for that promotion. Then when a manager position became open, there were only three of us with the experience to qualify the promotion, and it was me and another girl (ie NOT the guy) who got promoted. So I suppose all my personal experience says that my hard work will give me what I need and desire, regardless of my sex or the sex of those opposed to me. I might have a different stance if I were in a different position, but I'm not.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

RIP: Originality

Ok. I'm going to say this. I'm going to regret it, but I'm going to.


Seriously, I don't know if I'm just more attuned to them because of how invested I now am in the movie business, but this is getting really old really quickly. Like, this is an exponential equation...and it's escalating very rapidly.

I know sequels have been a thing here and there for books and movies a like. I blame Toy Story 3, personally. I feel by Pixar making that movie, they opened the door to "nostalgia sequels", making it ok to revive characters that we happily gained closure with and moved on with our lives from.

Don't get me wrong. I loved Toy Story 3. I CRIED in Toy Story 3. It was beautiful. I had never felt so touched by an animated movie before. It was magical.

And then Boy Meets World decided to do a continuation tv show Girl Meets World. ANOTHER part of my childhood that I said good-bye to, that I made peace with, and that I was content with how it ended. I hate how excited I am for Girl Meets World but when you have such an emotional attachment to something that brought joy to your childhood it's really really hard to NOT be excited!

But now I'm becoming confused because I'm craving originality, but I'm getting movies that I'm emotionally programmed to love. And some of them turn out decently, others...not so much. And now that I'm seeing it all over, I'm becoming less excited and more fearful for these progressions of the stories.

And THEN they start making sequels of movies that did decently in the Box Office...just because they did decently and they want to make an extra buck! Take Pitch Perfect 2...there is no continuation to this story that warrants a sequel. They're just going to turn a capella into the next Bring it On series...which also got over played. IS THIS REALLY NECESSARY PEOPLE?!

This rant started because I saw they were making a Mrs. Doubtfire sequel. and a Now You See Me sequel. And a spin-off from How I Met Your Mother to How I Met Your Father. And Space Jam 2. And a Toy Story 4. 4!!!! And how last night my roommate and I were talking about how Sabrina the Teenage Witch will imminently be remade but there's no way it could be nearly as good. And...EVERYTHING! It's just...not...necessary!

I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. Nostalgia is a glorious feeling. Searching the past for that one thing that made you feel happy is wonderful! But it feels like they're taking our past and beating it to a pulp. Is this the people from 1970s getting back at us for going on and on and on and ON about how being a kid in the 90s was the best thing ever? Because I really can't think about a better reason...

Let's Embarrass Emma!

For some reason I feel like this is a good idea..

I wanted to do a post where you could get to know me better, but I feel like whenever I do I just say the same things over and over again. I've recently read the Divergent series and if you choose the Candor faction, their initiation final test is giving you truth serum and making you reveal your most personal information, thinking that if you've revealed it all, including the bad, then you'll see no reason to ever be dishonest.

Now, I consider myself a honest person. With that being said, I'm probably more socially honest than implicitly honest. By that, I mean I know what details to say and hold back, what people want to hear as far as social comments and cues, and when to hold back my true opinion when someone is just fishing for something.

Although now I'm sitting here and that makes me sound like I'm dishonest. Honestly, that's just me stating what everyone does. We all know how to convey that we're listening when we're not, we all know how to encourage someone to continue a story when we don't care, and we all know how to make a friend feel good without telling a blatant lie.

I'm not sure if that's helping my case..

Oh well, in my free spirited moment, I've found some questions that I think would just make good stories, even if they embarrass me, that I just feel like sharing.

1. What is the most embarrassing break up you ever had? When I was in 7th grade my best friend at the time asked out for me the guy I had a crush on. During passing period, he told me he'd go out with me. He went to social studies and I went to math, telling all my friends that he and I were going out. The next passing period, he said he didn't think he could do it, it would mess up our friendship, blah blah blah. That was NOT fun explaining to my friends. 

2. When have you been fired from a job? I have only been fired from one job, and it was the job that my roommate's mom got me in a warehouse as a pallet builder. Since it was through a temp agency, I was on a two-week test period. Apparently, I failed the test, because after two weeks I got a call telling me not to come back. I had just sent my roommate's mom a thank you card the day before, too. 

3. What celebrity do you have a crush on? I have had a crush on Ashton Kutcher for as long as I can remember. There was a time where I would watch a movie ONLY because he was in it. 

4. When you are trying to impress people what personality trait do you hide? I'm actually pretty cocky. While I like to think that I just have awesome self-esteem, I know it comes off as being cocky sometimes. I struggle finding the line between being impressive and bragging too much. 

5. What things are you shallow about? I know I'm going to sound extremely shallow when I say these. I'm pretty bad at judging people, and I will judge them if they don't have their life figured out. I'll judge you if you didn't finish college and are still working a crappy job. I'm also really shallow about being superior. Like, I feel those who have caved to substance use like smoking (legal or otherwise) I think I'm better than them because I've legitimately never tried anything or had ANY desire TO try anything. Ah well, some people need to try the forbidden fruit I suppose.

6. What music are you embarrassed about listening to? I don't listen to them so much anymore but I used to really like Nickelback, I've even seen them in concert. I still listen to a lot of teeny-pop where I know it's 80% autotune but it still sounds good...

7. What is your guilty pleasure? Anything with cookie dough in it. And diet coke. And fast food. SO MUCH GUILT.

8. What fears keep you up at night? I haven't had any paralyzing fears that keep me up, but guilt and anxiety have kept me up before, and it was such an interesting experience because when I realized that I couldn't sleep I realized it was because my heart was racing and my mind was in a negative place. I remember this happening the day before my student teaching orientation, because I was convinced they were going to see my name and tell me that I was not eligible for student teaching and make me leave. I had already been accepted into the program so it was not rational for me to think that, but it legitimately kept me up really late that night. 

9. When have you lost your dignity? I always feel like I look like an idiot whenever I fall down. Whether I've tripped, slipped, or been pushed, there's a part of me that feels like I look like the stupidest person in the world when I fall. So, whenever it happens, I have a tendency not to move in hopes that people will just go about their lives, but invariably it just draws MORE attention, making me blush like all get out. With that in mind, there was a time in 6th grade where my friends Denise and Kevin were "dating" (the only way 6th graders can) and I was telling Denise how Kevin and I used to date and she went up to him and said "You never told me you and Emma used to date" and he replied with " preschool". Which was true ( was kindergarten), but I was not expecting her to ask AND him to reply! I'm not sure if I've turned a deeper shade of red...

10. What talent do you have that is embarrassing to share? It really depends on who I'm sharing with. My roommate and I talk about our facebook stalking escapades but I wouldn't talk about that with my mother. 

Friday, April 11, 2014

I really just have to describe... awesome last nights Indianapolis Indians game was.

We had been tied with the Toledo Mudhens for three innings now. It's bottom of the ninth, both teams with three points. There had been a light rain/sprinkle for the last inning or so, and you could see people getting up and leaving, not waiting to be stuck in the rain in overtime. We had a runner on 2nd and only one out. Once the batter hit the ball and you tracked it, you knew it went exactly where it needed to go. Runner on 2nd made it to home, the crowd goes wild, and the skies open up to a full out rain. I was cheering so loud I swore I was going to lose my voice. We won. WE WON! It wasn't even the surprise that we won but rather the way it all ended. It was beautiful. It was magical. It was the perfect home opener

God I love baseball :D

National Sibling Day!

So according to Facebook, April 10th is National Sibling Day. For my siblings' sakes, I hope this doesn't catch on like Mother's and Father's day, because that will be the fourth holiday they have to celebrate in April. Poor guys :P

I thought I would do a small tribute to my siblings. I could have posted kooky pictures of them all on Facebook, but this is much more meaningful.

First there's my older brother, Tony. The story goes that he basically ignored my existence until I started to walk. Thanks bro :P He's always tried to protect me in his own way. Whether we're playing video games and I'm player 2 to his player 1, or he's telling me not to go into the flooded basement because he heard the sizzle of one of the power strips, or he's saying "don't do anything I wouldn't do" when I leave to go out with my friends. Despite everything we've been through, he's always good for a laugh, a smile, a joke, and a big brother.

Then, there's my younger sister, Rachel. I want to save her for last because she's seriously "la pièce de résistance" in my eyes. She has the quickest wit I've ever seen, and does this thing where if you say she's funny she looks at you and goes "excuse me...I'm hilarious". She knows exactly what will make me laugh and smile, ESPECIALLY when I am trying my hardest not to do such. I know it's super corny but she is my best friend. If I had to pick one person in the entire world I would pick her time and time again. There are some things that we will never ever see eye to eye on, and others where we don't even have to say anything to know we're thinking the same thing. It's a wonderful experience to have a sister like her.

They're my two blood siblings and I love them dearly. However, there's been one other person in my life that's as much a sibling as a friend.

I've known Ashley since I was a freshman in high school. I'm sure I've told this story before, but I was playing piano in the choir room and she, a senior in the advanced show choir, came in and heard me playing. She then proceeded to put a few coins down on the piano to "tip" me to keep playing. Basically from that point on she decided that I was going to be her little sister. I visited her in college, I told her EVERYTHING that was going on in my life, and to this day there are still some of her words of wisdom that I hold true. She would bail me out of the house when I was an angsty teenager and help me through what I thought were my hardest of times.

All three of these people hold a huge part of my heart and are giant impacts on my life. I can't imagine life without any of them.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Cocky Renaissance Woman

I'm just going to put this out there, say my piece, and be on my way. 

I'm tired or people questioning my intellect, my reason, my logic, and my opinions. Perhaps that's not the best way to phrase it because I don't discourage questioning. I just feel like some people are expecting me to apologize for knowing things. 

"You're a French teacher. Why do you think you understand how (insert irrelevant past time here) works?"

"Why are you right about this? Why are you right and I'm wrong? Why can't I be right?"

"You think you're right about this that and the other, how can you possibly expect us to believe you're right about this too?"

It's just like, seriously? How ignorant are you?

I feel the need to tell people correct things because I'm afraid either they will 1) create a strong belief that wrong is right, or 2) become content with ignorance. 

Because here's my thing: I know I'm right because I don't talk out of my ass. When I say something chances are I have things backing up my word, be it sources, experience, or the ability to think critically and hypothesize correctly. None of these are hard concepts, and yet it becomes a negative thing for me to possess them, only because people are becoming put out by my inability to let ignorance slide. 

...And this is why I know I'd be an Erudite...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Adult Magic Pills

This is how I see being a grown up a lot of the time. It's not something you learn, it's something that just happens once you wait long enough. 

This is a French tweet I constructed earlier tonight. I've just now realize that my acquisition of the French language is similar to my quest at being an adult. I apologize for those who don't speak French, but there are aome complicated grammatical structures in that sentence, some that were never full out taught to me. They've just sort of...started to make sense in my mind and my understanding with how to use them (even though I haven't taken a French class that taught grammar in four years). 

I mean, I know language acquisition theory so I understand why my brain can do this, but at the same time, I have no idea when it happened or how.