Monday, November 24, 2014

A Story Too Good Not to Share

Ok, so last night my sister and roommate and I decided we wanted to see the new Hunger Games movie. Having read all the books and seen the first two movies, it was already setting up to be a good night. As we approach the theater, we see a fire truck and ambulance in front of the theater and we see them haul in a stretcher...obviously someone is just having the time of their life right now.

We get in, get our tickets and head to the concession stand where a worker flags me down saying "Miss Dennis Miss Dennis!"

...let me set the picture for you. It's 7:00pm, I'm in sweat pants, boots, a tshirt, and my glasses...not anywhere close to the appearance of professional. It's also been over three months since I stopped working at the movie theater, and I've seen less than a handful of movies there since. Considering how I was "Emma" for three and a half years and "Miss Dennis" for only eight months...but my teacher brain is getting used to it, so I digress..

"Miss Dennis Miss Dennis!"

I go over to the worker gesturing to me, and with her is a customer at the concession stand. "He was in the theater where the customer had a seizure and he left his drink in there and was wondering if he could get another one..." this point I'm staring at her with my eyes wide. The only thing I feel safe to say her her is "You DO realize I don't work here anymore, right?"

The customer burst out laughing and the worker said yes, she knew, but with all the hubbub she didn't want to be the one to ask a meaningless question over the radio...which on one hand I get...but on the other, my sister was with me, and she's a current employee AND a she would technically be leaps and bounds more qualified to make that judgement call than I would.

It's just...really? Like, REALLY? Did that REALLY just happen?!

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