Thursday, January 10, 2013


Being in the school five days a week and seeing seven periods of students come in and out of the classroom, I am starting to understand this more and more. But at the same time, I still don't necessarily agree with it.

Let me explain: The question is why is our generation obsessed with documenting everything? If you think about it, several generations have been obsessed with documenting everything. Why else do we have journals, scrapbooks, photo albums, diaries, etc? As it is, the means by which this generation documents everything is now 100% digital. They put their "diary entries" on Facebook and Twitter. They "scrapbook" on Pinterest or Tumblr. Instead of printing things, or handwriting things, or developing pictures, we now can store and document it all on our computers and the Internet. And I mean, there are projectors that can hook up to your phone for Pete's sake...if you're worried about not being able to display your work or pull them out at the tip of a're wrong :P

But with that being said, I understand where the gif is coming from. Your scrapbook, photo album, journal or diary were not for the public's eye. Some were for family or close friends, but most were completely for you, and you'd get pissed if anyone else read it. I'm still like this. Yes, I have two blogs that I make public for everyone, but I have several places where I have my private notes, and if someone reads them or finds them I am not a happy camper.

This generation does not have a filter. It's not just the means they use to pour their thoughts out, but it's the fact that thoughts that should be kept quiet are put on public pages. My supervising teacher has told me stories about students who full out tell her about unstable home lives, I've overheard students talking about their sex lives like it's as casual as what they ate for breakfast, and the students don't care who knows. I remember when I was in school there were things you talked about and things you waited until after school to talk about. I remember the taboo subjects and the subjects that you wouldn't talk about for fear of going to the principal's office. And I feel like kids these days just don't care. I remember I was watching the hallways during passing period and the assistant principal asked a girl if she was going to be late and her exact words were "I don't know, I don't care". I heard another student tell a teacher "I don't give a fuck". Like seriously? For real? Man if I said Fuck I would have gotten a detention, been sent to the principal's office, and they would have called my mother and I would have gotten in trouble at home too. But now? Does no one really care?

Kids these days :P

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