I've been trying to think of things to post for tomorrow and am coming up with very little, so I decided to think about what sort of posts I want to do over the summer.
Because I want to post more. Part of me wants to assign a type of post for a certain day, like I have for Wednesday, but another part of me knows that my work schedule is going to be crazy, I'm going to be taking two classes, I'm going to want to have a social life, and there are going to be days that I just don't want to blog. And the worst feeling in the world is not wanting to post because it becomes obvious that I missed a post or skipped a day and for some reason that never bodes well with me and that's why I've dropped three or four blogs already. I'm actually pretty impressed that I've been managing my current two as well as I have, even if I do sometimes cheat on the other one :P
So for right now I just want to talk about different things that I want to post about and hopefully gain the motivation to actually post them during the summer.
I'm definitely going to keep up "Reflection Wednesday" because I want that to be my starting point on reliable posts on this blog. I like the thought of finding current topics and giving my two cents, especially since that's how I started this blog out, I mean, I love being able to be blunt about something! And who knows, maybe it'll become a catalyst for more regular posts!
Last summer I wanted to blog about recipes and creations in the kitchen that I try. I started that on my Pinterest but I was only posting pictures instead of the recipes and steps I took. I think this summer I want to do blog posts that tell the recipe, step by step instructions, and pictures to guide through. I did that with a Chicken Taquito recipe not too long ago and I want to do a similar process to that.
Along the same page, I would love to have the time and money to try more things on pinterest! And if I did, then I would be wanting to post my experiences on here as well. Some of my favorite blogs are Pinstrosity and PinterestFail and even though I wouldn't be doing things just to see them fail (I actually would love to create something!) who knows maybe I'll be submitting posts there :P
I think it would be fun to do a post once a week as a vlog. I tried vlogging with my sister once upon a time and I feel like it just totally tanked. But again, we were just kind of existing in our lives with no actual script or footage to go on about. If I were to vlog I'd either talk about a certain topic or show snipets of random events throughout the week.
I also really like the idea of "Throwback Thursday" that's currently a huge crazy on Instagram where you post a picture from way back when...only instead of a picture I'd be doing a memory reflection, like when I was the NCC/HCC for RHA or my first student council leadership conference or when my parents took us to Disney World. I know you're not supposed to obsess over the past and look towards the future and blah blah blah but I love who I am and how I became who I am today. I feel like if I share more of my past maybe I'll be more open to people in the future.
I'd also like to do some posts in French. If nothing else it'll keep my written French up to par through the summer months! Unfortunately I don't think my France fan base is big enough for me to want to do this very often because I don't like confusing people :P
The last idea I had was creating a web novel. I have a story inside of me that I really want to get on paper. I know it's a great idea but I've been struggling extremely to get it down and phrased how I like. I currently have an intro and am starting on a first chapter, and I remember why I haven't written anything in almost six years! I know I'm the most critical of my work so part of me wants to get it out there anyway, but there's no way I could do a weekly update on that.
And of course there would still be all the random posts I do that do indeed talk about my life in the present moment as well as things I've accomplished or been recognized for, what I'm feeling, what I'm going through, what I've been working on, etc. Like I said earlier, I know I have a busy summer ahead of me so we'll see where this actually goes, but I feel like actually saying this gives me more motivation to follow through...we shall see!!
Anyway, feel free to click any of the live links to see me in other facets or see any of the sites I referenced! I think this is the first time that I've actually wanted a following and I want to get the word out there! I am a person! I have a voice! I am worth something!
...so on and so forth :P
Now if you'll excuse me, I have an article to find *le sigh*