Last month I posted ten times...I usually just try to post once a month.
This month I have not posted until now...and the month is nearly over.
Oops... priorities have not been what they should be as of late. I'm not saying that blogging should be a huge priority, but other things in my life that SHOULD be aren't...and even consciously writing this I don't know how to change that.
Probably because I don't have the desire to. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd love to be the perfect daughter and do exactly what I'm supposed to do, when I'm supposed to do it. I'd love not to procrastinate, I'd love to have enough time in my life to do everything that I want to do, and I'd love to be able to afford to do it all.
But back in reality, that's just not possible. Choices have to be made, and sometimes they're either not fun choices or bad ones.
I like to think that my bad choice streak is over. I like to think that I'm currently influencing myself to make the choices that are right for me, not the ones that are fun for me.
Unfortunately, those choices have led me to feel the most alone I've felt in a very long time. And it's killing me.
It feels like I had a couple shots of soma, got addicted, and now I realize they've taken away my stash for good.
I had three dreams last night, and each one was about being late in some way, shape, or form. Late to school, late to work, late to the movie theater, etc and so forth.
Although one of them was also about co-subbing a French class with my little sister who hates French...that one was a fun one.
I feel chained to some aspects in my life and that is leading me to be too far out of reach to other aspects in my life. I guess I'm still trying to figure things out.
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