...even though it was English...
But seriously, take a few minutes to watch this video. Legitimately, this is almost a necessary task. Your mind will be blown and you will not know what to do, except maybe rewatch this video and then tell the world about it.
The Innovation of Loneliness from Shimi Cohen on Vimeo.
Take a minute for it to digest, I've got time.
Ready? Ok good.

...like seriously this makes me want to delete all social media.
On Facebook I have 648 "Friends"
On Twitter I have 93 "Followers"
On Instagram I have 60 "Followers"
Start adding the lesser medias like my blogs, google plus, youtube, skype, and god knows what, and I have multiple social circles that don't completely overlap any of the others. Of course then you have your contacts in your phone for texting, e-mailing, facetiming, etc and so forth and we've got even more circles and even fewer real connections.
My mind is blown. Blown completely away. I've made the realization before that I don't know what I'd do without my phone, and I've always been fine with it because I knew I'd never live in a society again where I wasn't expected to have one. It just seems silly to have a pile of things like a book, and a crossword, and a newspaper, and an allotted time slot to catch up with friends, and a deck of cards, an address book, a map, an alarm clock, and everything we use it for...when we could just have a smart phone BOOM it's all there and takes up less room than a TV remote control.
I think there are some unconscious parts of me that are trying to get back to the basics of it all. I'm in the beginning parts of a relationship with this guy and I haven't made it public knowledge because I want this relationship to be built on how we perceive each other and our feelings and emotions that surround it, not based on how others perceive us and what they can view through social media. I have friends that post every gory detail of their lives, personal and otherwise, on social media. I have friends who consider it a past time to look up these gory details of others' lives, personal or otherwise. I mean, come on, how in the world is it ok to "Facebook Stalk" someone. Can we get virtual restraining orders, is that a thing now? Oh wait, it's just called changing your privacy settings and only being friends with the people that you actually consider friends, not ones you're acquainted with and want to put your nose in their business just for the sake of doing so.
I'm a total control freak that feels better when I know everything. I could never be the "blissfully ignorant" one...not in a million years. That makes me hesitate actually deleting all social media. But then again...if I could make myself believe that I could be happier without it, maybe it would be something to look into.
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