Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Stream of Consciousness 3

If I had to choose one subject to teach, I'm pretty sure it would always be French. I love teaching ENL and I love that I get to teach both, because those learning English actually WANT to learn and it's a treat to see them discover the language. However, my own passion is with French. I was explaining how the word "qu'est-ce que" came to be and going through it all...I knew no matter who understood that's what I enjoyed.

I like to read stories over again because I love getting to feel consumed by it time and time again. It's very easy for me to get sucked in and read as though I'm participating in a movie. Typically I enjoy a story because I enjoy the ending (there's a reason why I've read Divergent multiple times but not the final part of the trilogy). To me, it's not about knowing how it ends, it's about the journey TO the happily ever after.

Sometimes I wish teachers weren't so good at hiding their facebook. I'm sure others probably feel the same about me, but how am I supposed to be friends with these people if I can't cyber stalk them? (sarcasm)

I go back and forth between saying I'm allergic vs I'm sensitive to caffeine. The way I truly believe it works: You know how you get a headache if you stare at the computer for too long, or how you get a stomach ache for eating too much of something you like? That's how caffeine is for me, only it happens much more quickly than it does most people.

I don't think I'm passive aggressive. Passive aggressive--to me--sounds like, very literally, that you are taking out your aggression passively. Back handed compliments, hedging around the issue, etc. What I do is just completely shut down. I will go silent and remain silent until I know I won't say anything that shouldn't be said.

I think my ideal soulmate wouldn't be passive in his own life. I think he'd have strength...just more than likely in areas where I don't. I know I want to be the best at what I do, but I think I want to be with someone who is the best at what he does too.

I legitimately have no desire to leave Indiana, preferably even Indianapolis. I think this surprises most people, including my family. I'm not sure if it's because I'm afraid to try something new or I'm afraid to be alone, but I have absolutely no issues raising a family here.

I don't think I'm as extraverted as people make me out to be. I think I'm probably 65% extravert, 35% introvert. I think I'm surrounded by people who are more mostly introverted so I seem more extraverted, even though I still have quite a few introverted tendencies.

I think I have sympathies towards claustrophobia. While small spaces themselves don't bother me, I get anxious when I feel like I don't have room. Considering this just happened in my 1000 sq ft apartment, I think they're related but not an exact definition.

I do not for a second regret being a teacher's pet in high school, and to certain professors in college. The fact that at a drop of a hat I can get multiple letters of recommendation for any type of position I want is a blessing.

I have no idea what I'm going to do when I have free time over the summer. I say free time even though I'll still be working 40 hours a week. Considering it's a drop from 65-75 hours a week, it's going to feel like copious amounts of free time.

On that note, I don't even want to start thinking about what it will feel like when I have NO job over the summer/breaks. Maybe my yen for traveling will come back.

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