Monday, December 19, 2011

I've Come to the Conclusion That...

I have the Twilight Saga in my life whenever I want to run away from where I am. Both this year and last year I got deeply involved right when finals pressure came into play. There's just something about that series that makes me COMPLETELY forget about where I am or what I'm supposed to be concerned about.

...stupid Twilight. Good thing I don't bring those books to school with me =P

Monday, December 12, 2011

Tears of Joy

When I met with one of my professors to talk about my course path for the next couple of semesters, we got talking about families and life experiences and this and that and the other...

I was talking about my brother and how he got accepted into Rose Hulman Institute of Technology and how high his SAT scores were and how smart he is. But then my professor interjected with

"--you're smart, too, you know!"

I paused with what I was saying. I realized for the first time that between the members of my family I was not giving myself any credit in being smart in the family. What with my brother and sister having genius level IQs and exceptionally high SAT/ACT scores and my dad having two college degrees and my mother having enough motivation to go back to school for Special Education and help right the wrongs in the education system... life and achievements seemed extremely average.

She was concerned that I didn't give myself any credit for the academic success I had achieved in my life.

In that moment I felt a sense of pride that I had never felt in my life. For some reason, her saying that I was smart meant more to me than anything I can compare it to.

Thank you, professor, for believing that my achievements and my work in your classes means something. Because that means more to me than I can ever describe.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

You Know...

Sometimes I wonder late at night if I should be posting the things that I am, and I just wanted to clarify something right here and now.

Me publishing this blog is not for me to obtain more followers or get comments or anything like that. Even though I speak out to my audience and ask questions, I am not intending to draw you in.

I just have a really bad habit of keeping EVERYTHING in and exploding three times a year. I've tried blogging a few times before, and all of them led to me feeling like what I wanted to write wasn't at a quality high enough for my imaginary readers. Kind of sad, right? I'm judging my work on people that don't exist! A lovely problem I have =P

My hopes for stating in my title that this is for me to be blunt would help me just write about whatever's on my mind, as long as I do my best to protect the identity of those I mention/talk to in my blog.

And the good news is that with this and my Twitter I feel like I'm able to just get things off my chest and into words...even if they're incredibly cryptic and don't seem to mean anything.

You know, they say that the only way to get rid of a nightmare for good is to talk about it out loud...get it out of your system in some way. I suppose this is me doing the same thing...just with everyday life instead of monsters under my bed.

So I apologize to the random readers who stumble upon this or this is the "next blog" that they clicked into without knowing. This blog was selfishly created with no real regard to the actual reader.

Thanks for visiting!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


It's not just Twilight!

I watched Tangled last night and fell in love with the Rider. I know that's not the healthiest of realizations but still, it's better than thinking I'm falling in love with only everything Twilight!

So in the past 24 hours I have seen

Breaking Dawn 1
Beauty and the Beast
Princess and the Frog
Spirited Away

And I have fallen in love with every single one of them. Awesome.

I claim this small success for myself =P

I need to see my boyfriend STAT! AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Thursday, December 8, 2011

On a More "Fail" Note...

And just when I thought I was getting over this TwiHard phase...dang it!

Just got the Twilight Saga Movies Trivia App for my iPod...and then procedeed to get a low battery because of how much I was playing it x_x

Someone take me to rehab?


Oh hey fellow bloggers and blog readers! Something fun happened today!

PSA <--Title of Blog Post. Hyper-linked...CLICK IT!

I strongly recommend you check this out. 1) because it's a great message and 2) because I'M IN IT!

Just sayin'...!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Standardized Testing FOR LIFE!

Sounds like a great life sentence, right?

I want to take a standardized test every year for the rest of my life. Why? Because I want to know what we're putting our kids through. Since I want to be part of congress one day, I want to have the MOTIVATION to CHANGE this SHIT that they're currently putting our kids through. I want to be able to change the problem into a SOLUTION that EDUCATORS agree with.

And I want to prove that I know what I'm talking about. I mean, if I can pass the tests they give us when they can't...doesn't that make me more credible?

And no, it would not prove their point, because they were the ones who instated this policy and they're the ones who can't pass the test. Our school system says that you can't succeed if you can't pass the test. Therefore, congress can't succeed.

Well...we already knew that.

But by their system, I CAN succeed. So I will succeed, go into one of their positions, and CHANGE THE SYSTEM.

I win.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I Don't Care What Anyone Says,

Living forever with the one you love, surrounded by those who love you, damned souls or not, would be AWESOME








...stupid Twilight x_x