Monday, January 26, 2015

[Insert Title Here]

I've spent the better part of a month trying to figure out what I want to do with this blog.

One thing I love about it is what it represents: emotion, progress, change, evolution, perception, memories, truth, journey...

I love looking at some of the things I've written. I enjoy finding a random month and seeing if I can recall why I wrote what I did. Seeing the progression from Freshman in college mindset to first year as a full fledged can't make that stuff up. Being able to see how my views and opinions stayed the same and--more often times--changed, is very heart warming.

While I know I'll never stop changing or growing, one post I made this past year is holding extremely true to me: The rest of my life has started. And while that's a journey and mystery and adventure of its own, I'm now at a point where there are more constants than variables, and I'm ready to set some roots and explore my new adventure.

The only problem is, this kind of exploration is usually very hard to convey through the written word.

Now don't get me wrong, it's not nearly impossible to write. We look at the greatest stories written and they're able to convey every part of the journey so well that it feels like you're on the journey with them. And while I know I'm not writing for some best-seller list, I'd rather focus on experiencing this journey than writing about the experiences and holding myself to writing something once a month.

235 posts. In five years I made 235 posts. Half a decade of my life has 235 chapters...there's just something about quantifying it that makes it seem really hard to let go.

And it's not that I plan to never post again. And I'm CERTAINLY not about to delete this. But I want to post because I have something to say, or something I need to vent about, or something meaningful to me that I plan to share. If it ends up happening so often that I'm posting each month then that's a happy coincidence but not my point. I'm excited for this journey, and I plan to enjoy every step of it :)

Thank you for reading :)

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