Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I've figured it out!

I've come to realize why you've been driving me crazy recently!

You're a little bit too selfish this year. A bit desperate for attention as well, now that I think about it...

But yet when you're given attention from those who have the past couple of years, you shrug it off because "they'll always be there" and "they'll love you no matter what"...

Are we taking bets on that? I'm not 21 but that hasn't stopped me and apparently it hasn't stopped you...

Age is but a number, although I don't recall you smoking every night when you turned 18...

Two wrongs don't make a right. What about 17? 32? How many wrongs does it take to get a right...might as well be finding the center of a tootsie pop...

Are you going to learn to love him for this too? I mean, that is what Jesus would want...

Did you know that thinking something is stupid won't stop you from getting in trouble for it? I mean call me crazy for following rules, I wouldn't want to kill someone...

WOW it's amazing how much I really resent you when I think about it. Maybe I haven't figured it out. Maybe if you stop trying so hard to change for no reason we can sit down and actually get somewhere in our quest for happiness.

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