Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Presidential Debate Live Blogging

Once the presidential debate started, I sat down with my laptop and decided to write my comments down as they came up in the debate.

I don't think Obama's hair was that gray in the last debate...


Romney you are singing a different tune about loans and Pell grants than you were a month ago...I hope you don't wonder why we don't trust you.

Romney says he knows what it takes but you don't elaborate on anything!

Students who graduate from college are going to want more than manufacturing jobs. That'll lower unemployment but does not answer his question. Obama I love you but that doesn't answer his question.

Haha Obama way to pull a Miss America and tie in everything you want to convey that doesn't answer his question.

Romney you can't promise that! Twelve million jobs in four years, good luck with that.

Romney it's one thing to make a business go bankrupt and make it stronger in the end. To do that to an entire CITY who's entire revenue is in this one business...you're setting it up for failure.

WAY TO GO MODERATOR! Shut Romney up haha

Gas Prices
Has anyone thought to just turn off their mics when their two minutes is up and it's not their turn to talk? haha

Good point, Obama...this isn't just about the next four years, it's about the future of tomorrow.

Romney...energy independent...HOW. MY WORD MAN YOU HAVE THESE "IDEAS" BUT DON'T EXPLAIN ANY OF THEM. Ice cream and no classes on Mondays, anyone?

Obama don't waste your two minutes saying Romney is wrong.

Romney didn't take into consideration that our oil consumption is lower because we have better cars and more fuel efficiency in effect.

I now officially want a fact checker next to the mediator. I want someone to be able to check instantly whether what one candidate is accusing the other is right or not. BOOM. no more "he said she said"

YES FINALLY! Remember that the economy has CRASHED because of what our last Republican president did.

Romney shut up.

Sometimes I feel like Romney is going to start crying because of what Obama says haha

Hmmm...Romney your first response sounds eerily like what Obama has been saying for the past four years and not like what you've been saying for the past month.

Once more, Romney, you're not saying HOW you're going to do ANY OF THIS!

You're doing this for people who are making less than $200,000. What if you make just over that but have a big family where the Cost of Living still puts you on the lower side? they're still getting screwed! It has to be a proportional annual income for the number of people in the family.

When Obama is debating, he says what he's doing, why he's done it, and what he wants to do, how he will do it, and WHY.

Obama's tax break is even $50,000 higher than Romney's. He's more inclusive. Win haha.


"Governor Romney I'm sure you have a reply there"...

Romney your idea of wealthy is skewed.


Yes! Obama has pointed out that Romney can't tell you how he's going to do things! Finally!

Yes Romney, tell us how you're going to pay for 8 trillion dollars of cuts.

Obama didn't double the deficit remember what he CAME INTO! Bush didn't have a balanced budget, Obama had to allow for HIS spending!

Inequalities in the Workplace
Romney you're acting like you've done everything to qualify you for this position, but if that were true then you wouldn't be talking yourself into so many circles.

Planned Parenthood is not just for abortions. There are PP clinics that don't even do abortions. Getting rid of the entire institution will get rid of too many safety opportunities for women! Cancer screenings, contraceptives, oh and a SAFE ENVIRONMENT.

Difference between Bush and Romney
OK way to make undecided voter #1 feel like you care about her by taking half your time throwing a hissy fit. Vote for Obama!

How! HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW! Jeeze Romney take a hint!

I wonder how Bush feels if he's watching this?

This was the best question to highlight what Obama actually came into when he first got into office. You can't change all that in four years, especially when Bush had eight years to mess it all up.

Why revote for Obama?
Obama focused on his platform points from 2008 and how they've been implemented.


Romney, did you not just hear what Obama did? Focusing on what he didn't do doesn't accomplish anything because of course he didn't do what you're saying, because he did do what he just said he did!

Slow growing economy is not a bad thing. Making a spike growth is going to make it crash just as hard!

Children should have a pathway to become citizens BUT NOT THEIR PARENTS?!?! And that path is through the MILITARY??? No...no no no no no...NO!

Romney made it sound like he's a second generation Hispanic...

Obama is inclusive with his immigration plans, not exclusive. As the big melting pot that we are, that's the approach that we need.

 Foreign Security
Neither candidate has the right approach. The United States will always fail as a military power as long as we focus on the individual.

Ugh. No comment. You're both wrong.

Gun Control
Believe in the second amendment.

Help stop vi-o-lence...

Because criminals are totally above illegal activity...like obtaining a gun without a permit or through a black market of sorts...

Romney now thinks that two people who have a kid should marry to raise that kid to think violence is not the answer. Because if I'm not in love with someone I always have nonviolent thoughts in my head...


MASSACHUSETTS IS NOT THE SCALE OF AMERICA! Just because it works there does not mean it'll work in the nation!

stupid...it's all stupid.

haha...moderator use Obama's words against him, nice try ;)

Job Outsourcing
I don't think anyone thinks going offshore is attractive, it's cheaper.


Canada has free health care...of course they're not taxed as much!

Oh the return of the Mom and Pop business haha

Once more, Romney, you have these ideas but you don't say HOW

Train your workers to work better...seems legit. Now let's see this happen.

Debunking Biggest Misconception about Candidates
Obama has painted you as a guy who's spent his entire life in the private sector...and you just affirmed that

Romney...no one is settling! Obama is continuously working on things too ya know!

47%...shit just got real.

Just the example that Romney will tell you want you want to hear to your face but if he doesn't think you're listening tell you how you really feel.

Vote Obama. He has more than an idea how to run a country, he has a way to do it.

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