Friday, March 21, 2014

Cocky Renaissance Woman

I'm just going to put this out there, say my piece, and be on my way. 

I'm tired or people questioning my intellect, my reason, my logic, and my opinions. Perhaps that's not the best way to phrase it because I don't discourage questioning. I just feel like some people are expecting me to apologize for knowing things. 

"You're a French teacher. Why do you think you understand how (insert irrelevant past time here) works?"

"Why are you right about this? Why are you right and I'm wrong? Why can't I be right?"

"You think you're right about this that and the other, how can you possibly expect us to believe you're right about this too?"

It's just like, seriously? How ignorant are you?

I feel the need to tell people correct things because I'm afraid either they will 1) create a strong belief that wrong is right, or 2) become content with ignorance. 

Because here's my thing: I know I'm right because I don't talk out of my ass. When I say something chances are I have things backing up my word, be it sources, experience, or the ability to think critically and hypothesize correctly. None of these are hard concepts, and yet it becomes a negative thing for me to possess them, only because people are becoming put out by my inability to let ignorance slide. 

...And this is why I know I'd be an Erudite...

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