Monday, November 14, 2011

I Think it is The Secrer Life of the American Teenager...

When I was in high school...

-I knew the pregnant girl
-I knew the devout Christian girl
-I knew the gossipy best friends
-I knew the slut
-I knew the couple who broke up and got back together a million times
-I knew the girl who took her "friend's" boyfriend
-I knew the engaged couple
-I knew the couple who had been together forever
-I knew the football/cheerleader couple
-I knew the rumors of parent relationships around the school
-We had multiple guidance counselors
-We had teachers that knew too much about our lives
-We had a huge band program
-We had fights both in and outside of school
-We had too much drama

I remember when the ABC Family show The Secret Life of the American Teenager came out, a lot of people made a fuss because they thought it was a horrible representation of the "American Teenager" with the main character being a pregnant 15 year old girl in a broken family where a nephew was older than his uncle.

I'm sorry, but has anyone seen the Maury Show?

My point is, my list above is the main setting that the show gives that I can relate to. No, I was not the pregnant 15 year old, but one existed in my school. All of the characters cast in the show I can place in my high school. It may not have been MY secret life they were portraying, but the secret life of an American validly represented in this show.

It's not the show that makes America look bad. It's America that makes America look bad.

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