Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Goals for 2013

Now that a new year has started, I want to take a moment and actually write down the things I would like to accomplish this year:

-Less Drama: This was the New Years Resolution I chose to try and complete throughout the year. I have already taken some steps to get rid of unnecessary drama from my life, but in every interaction I am trying to make sure that I am not gossiping or spreading rumors in order to keep less drama in my life. I have always been entertained by dramatic occurrences, but I know they are for the most part unnecessary, and there are people who get hurt by it. So hopefully by cutting it out I am making myself a more well-rounded and credible individual.

-Graduation: Even though this is pretty much a given, I am listing it as something I plan to accomplish this year. No more school! Whoo!

-Language Teacher Job: Despite how specific this sounds, it's actually quite vague. I don't care if I get a job as an English Language Arts teacher, as an English as a New Language teacher, or as a French Teacher. I don't care if this job is in Indiana, Kentucky, New York, France, or anywhere. I just want to get hired within the year.

-Swear Less: I had thought about this being my New Years Resolution again, but about 42 minutes within the New Year I failed :P Because I'm going to be in the schools everyday student teaching and then (hopefully) being a teacher full time, I want to keep the language I use school appropriate. I know that if I make this a habit in my personal life, it'll be easier to do when I'm at the school.

-Do More of What I Love: I keep meaning to learn a new piece of music on the piano, or sing more, or write more; but there is always something else to occupy my time. And some of it is completely unnecessary. If I'm doing things I enjoy rather than things that are closer or easier, then that should help me be happier, which is my next goal.

-Be Happier: It is so easy to get bogged down by all the stresses and lower points in life. I don't want to do that. I want to be able to handle the bad but live in the good. Life is meant to be enjoyed, so that's what I plan to do: Enjoy my life.

-Finally See Avengers: Because my sister has seen it 11 times...9 of which were in theaters...and is completely flabbergasted that I have yet to see it once. This goal will probably be accomplished within the next few days because I promised my sister I would watch it before I went back to school, but she still insisted that I put it on the list. Just for you, Rachel... :P

I know I have more things that I hope to accomplish this year, but I think this is a good list to work from when trying to make the most of these 365 days :)


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