Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Well put, Zac

This is completely stolen from one of my friends from high school, but with all the controversy about the constitution right now, I could not have said this better myself:

"So for all the the people who keep shouting "original intent" about the constitution... i think you all should take a real look at what your getting with that view.... first of all, there were 56 founders at the first continental congress, and the second continental congress, which actually gave us our constitution, but was not the same 56 founders (although many were similar...), so let alone anyone trying to establish "original intent" from 56 men of FAR varying opinions is absolutely absurd.... But if we are going to judge off of what was actually put on paper then let's do that... First off, none of you women, african-americans (or anyone of "color" for that matter) or even you white men who didn't own your own property (and that's LAND property) COULD NOT VOTE. Secondly, we'd still, more than likely have slaves, which I think we can ALL AGREE is one of country's very dark stains... and even for all of you who counter that many of the delegates apposed slavery... consider this. There is a clause within our constitution that delays the government from making any decision upon slavery for thirty years after the new government is set up? Why? Because the southern states, aka the slave states, REFUSED to sign any constitution that would ban slavery and had hoped with the above stated clause that slavery would either a) not be needed anymore or b) would come to a point where the states could be in peace with each other over the issue of slavery with the southern states still having their slaves.... FURTHERMORE, there are COUNTLESS examples that the founders INTENDED our government to grow and our Constitution to evolve! Look at (for you tea party people here your idol) Thomas Jefferson... "I like dreams of the future better than the history of the past..." showing a intellect for change that would without doubt come to our country and damning most of all to the proponents of "original intent," "i am not a advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors." Hence why we have AMENDMENTS allowed within our constitution and it has been amended 17 TIMES since the original ten in the Bill Of Rights! FINALLY, we have something in our constitution called the "NECESSARY AND PROPER" clause which allows the government to carry on acts as needed for the times presented... this is what Alexander Hamilton, ONE OF THE FOUNDERS, used in order to establish the first national bank.... In conclusion, the Constitution is not a "dead" document that the original intent theorist would have you believe.... it is a "living" document that is capable of change, THAT THE FOUNDERS INTENDED FOR US TO CHANGE AS THE TIMES CAME NECESSARY..."

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