Thursday, April 17, 2014

RIP: Originality

Ok. I'm going to say this. I'm going to regret it, but I'm going to.


Seriously, I don't know if I'm just more attuned to them because of how invested I now am in the movie business, but this is getting really old really quickly. Like, this is an exponential equation...and it's escalating very rapidly.

I know sequels have been a thing here and there for books and movies a like. I blame Toy Story 3, personally. I feel by Pixar making that movie, they opened the door to "nostalgia sequels", making it ok to revive characters that we happily gained closure with and moved on with our lives from.

Don't get me wrong. I loved Toy Story 3. I CRIED in Toy Story 3. It was beautiful. I had never felt so touched by an animated movie before. It was magical.

And then Boy Meets World decided to do a continuation tv show Girl Meets World. ANOTHER part of my childhood that I said good-bye to, that I made peace with, and that I was content with how it ended. I hate how excited I am for Girl Meets World but when you have such an emotional attachment to something that brought joy to your childhood it's really really hard to NOT be excited!

But now I'm becoming confused because I'm craving originality, but I'm getting movies that I'm emotionally programmed to love. And some of them turn out decently, others...not so much. And now that I'm seeing it all over, I'm becoming less excited and more fearful for these progressions of the stories.

And THEN they start making sequels of movies that did decently in the Box Office...just because they did decently and they want to make an extra buck! Take Pitch Perfect 2...there is no continuation to this story that warrants a sequel. They're just going to turn a capella into the next Bring it On series...which also got over played. IS THIS REALLY NECESSARY PEOPLE?!

This rant started because I saw they were making a Mrs. Doubtfire sequel. and a Now You See Me sequel. And a spin-off from How I Met Your Mother to How I Met Your Father. And Space Jam 2. And a Toy Story 4. 4!!!! And how last night my roommate and I were talking about how Sabrina the Teenage Witch will imminently be remade but there's no way it could be nearly as good. And...EVERYTHING! It's just...not...necessary!

I'm not sure how much more of this I can take. Nostalgia is a glorious feeling. Searching the past for that one thing that made you feel happy is wonderful! But it feels like they're taking our past and beating it to a pulp. Is this the people from 1970s getting back at us for going on and on and on and ON about how being a kid in the 90s was the best thing ever? Because I really can't think about a better reason...

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