Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thankful in March

I have had a great week. Actually, I've had a great last five and a half weeks. It's been absolutely fantastic! There have been some ups, downs, and curveballs thrown my way, but just how I feel today and how I know I will feel tomorrow makes this entire journey worth it.

I have been feeling moderately down lately because I feel my on campus involvement has been coming to an irreversible close. I've been trying to see this more as an opportunity to move on to bigger and better things, such as the IRHO and GLACURH organizations. Which I have...I am guaranteed a position of sorts in IRHO and I submitted two applications for GLACURH. And I did eventually get the Accelerate Student Coordinator position which will be really nice...but I still felt like I wouldn't be doing anything during the actual school year and that made me sad...especially since that has been a constant of mine for the past two years.

I had never shown interest in the Student Government Association before. I was all 100% Residence Hall Life coming in and I haven't backed down since. Today, I got an e-mail from the President of the new slate: Catalyst

Since you picked up RHA, I have heard nothing short of amazing reviews of your understanding of Parliamentary Procedure. While RHA and SGA are two distinct organizations, our procedures have much in common. Chris, Megan, Mary, and I have given a lot of thought as to who we would love to have by our side in our executive positions, and we would like to offer you the position of Parliamentarian. It is a very distinguished position, basically giving you the title of in-house expert concerning Robert's Rules of Order and Parliamentary Procedure. The position requires attendance of Senate Meetings and two office hours a week in the SGA office. Your current non involvement in the SGA is very much ideal, because the Parliamentarian is called to be impartial in Senate decisions, and rather serving as the final authority on Parli Pro. Our current Parliamentarian, Devin Hillsdon-Smith, is without a doubt the most knowledgeable person I have ever met concerning Robert's Rules. He has served the position for two years, and he has already said that he would love to help transition the next Parliamentarian. Also I would like to welcome you to sit in on a Senate meeting if you would like to get a feel for it before hand. We meet today (Wed) at 3:15 in Cardinal Hall B of the Student Center. If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to let me know. I look forward to hearing back from you. Have a great day!
Kayla Pickersgill
BSU Student Government Association"

They've heard of ME! They came to ME! Something that I never even hinted that I was interested in, and they know my name and my skills and they asked ME!!!!!

*does happy dance*

I completely freaked out when I read this e-mail. It was not something I was expecting at all and I was completely enthralled! Zack was there, he saw my initial reaction and how excited I was.

Seeing this, it reminded me why I love Student Life here at Ball State and why I have invested so much of my time in extra curricular activities all my life. I am thankful for the opportunities that have been presented to me--especially the ones that I don't expect. It truly is an honor and a privilege to be known on such a grand level.

I am thankful for everything that has effected my life and put me where I am today. It's a fantastic feeling...I feel so loved by my family, friends, and boyfriend. I feel so supported by my colleagues who show me opportunities I might not have seen on my own.

I feel happy. Truly and completely happy.

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